PHP 클래스 lithium\template\View
View class interacts with a variety of other classes in order to achieve maximum
flexibility and configurability at all points in the view rendering and presentation
process. The
Loader class is tasked with locating and reading template files which are then
passed to the
Renderer adapter subclass.
In the default configuration, the
File adapter acts as both renderer and loader, loading files
from paths defined in _process steps_ (described below) and rendering them as plain PHP files,
augmented with
special syntax.
View class operates on _processes_, which define the steps to render a completed view. For
example, the default process, which renders a template wrapped in a layout, is comprised of two
_steps_: the first step renders the main template and captures it to the rendering context, where
it is embedded in the layout in the second step. See the
$_steps and
$_processes properties
for more information.
Using steps and processes, you can create rendering scenarios to suit very complex needs.
By default, the
View class is called during the course of the framework's dispatch cycle by the
Media class. However, it is also possible to instantiate and call
View directly, in cases
where you wish to bypass all other parts of the framework and simply return rendered content.
A simple example, using the
Simple renderer/loader for string templates:
$view = new View(array('loader' => 'Simple', 'renderer' => 'Simple'));
echo $view->render('element', array('name' => "Robert"), array('element' => 'Hello, {:name}!'));
"Hello, Robert!";
_Note_: This is easily adapted for XML templating.
Another example, this time of something that could be used in an appliation
error handler:
$view = new View(array(
'paths' => array(
'template' => '{:library}/views/errors/{:template}.{:type}.php',
'layout' => '{:library}/views/layouts/{:layout}.{:type}.php',
$page = $View->render('all', array('content' => $info), array(
'template' => '404',
'layout' => 'error'
To learn more about processes and process steps, see the
$_processes and
$_steps properties,
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프로젝트 열기: unionofrad/lithium
1 사용 예제들
공개 프로퍼티들
보호된 프로퍼티들
프로퍼티 |
타입 |
설명 |
$_adapters |
string |
Path used to look up view loading and rendering adapters. |
$_autoConfig |
Auto-configuration parameters. |
$_loader |
The object responsible for loading template files. |
$_processes |
array |
For example, the default process, 'all', renders a template, then renders a layout, using
the rendered template content. A process can be defined using one or more steps defined in
the $_steps property. Each process definition is a simple array of ordered values, where
each value is a key in the $_steps array. |
$_renderer |
Object responsible for rendering output. |
$_request |
Holds the details of the current request that originated the call to this view, if
applicable. May be empty if this does not apply. For example, if the View class is
created to render an email. |
$_response |
Holds a reference to the Response object that will be returned at the end of the current
dispatch cycle. Allows headers and other response attributes to be assigned in the templating
layer. |
$_steps |
array |
Each step is named by its key in the $_steps array, and can have the following options:
- 'path' _string_: Indicates the set of paths to use when loading templates.
- 'conditions' _mixed_: Make the step dependent on a value being present, or on some other
arbitrary condition. If a 'conditions' is a string, it indicates that a key with that
name must be present in the $options passed to render(), and must be set to a
non-empty value. If a closure, it will be executed with the rendering parameters, and must
return true or false. In either case, if the condition is satisfied, the step is
processed. Otherwise, it is skipped. See the _conditions() method for more information.
- 'capture' _array_: If specified, allows the results of this rendering step to be assigned
to a template variable used in subsequent steps, or to the templating context for use in
subsequent steps. If can be specified in the form of array('context' => '') or
array('data' => ''). If the 'context' key is used, the results are captured
to the rendering context. Likewise with the 'data' key, results are captured to a
template variable.
- 'multi' _boolean_: If set to true, the rendering parameter matching the name of this
step can be an array containing multiple values, in which case this step is executed
multiple times, once for each value of the array. |
공개 메소드들
메소드 |
설명 |
__construct ( array $config = [] ) : void |
Constructor. |
render ( string $process, array $data = [], array $options = [] ) : string |
Executes a named rendering process by running each process step in sequence and aggregating
the results. The View class comes with 3 built-in processes: 'all', 'template', and
'element'. The 'all' process is the default two-step rendered view, where a template is
wrapped in a layout containing a header and footer. |
보호된 메소드들
메소드 |
설명 |
_conditions ( array $step, array $params, array $data, array $options ) : boolean |
Evaluates a step condition to determine if the step should be executed. |
_convertSteps ( array $command, array &$params, array $defaults ) : array |
Handles API backward compatibility by converting an array-based rendering instruction passed
to render() as a process, to a set of rendering steps, rewriting any associated rendering
parameters as necessary. |
_init ( ) : void |
Perform initialization of the View. |
_process ( string $process, array &$params ) : array |
Converts a process name to an array containing the rendering steps to be executed for each
process. |
_step ( array $step, array $params, array &$data, array &$options = [] ) : string |
Performs a rendering step. |
메소드 상세
public __construct ( array $config = [] ) : void |
$config |
array |
Class configuration parameters The available options are:
- `'loader'` _mixed_: Instance or name of the class used for locating and reading
template content. Defaults to `File`, which reads template content from PHP files.
- `'renderer'` _mixed_: Instance or name of the class that populates template
content with the data passed in to the view layer, typically from a controller.
Defaults to `'File'`, which executes templates as standard PHP files, using path
information returned from the `loader` class. Both `loader` and `renderer`
classes are looked up using the `'adapter.template.view'` path, which locates
classes in the `extensions\adapter\template\view` sub-namespace of an application
or plugin.
- `'request'`: The `Request` object to be made available in the templates.
Defaults to `null`.
- `'steps'` _array_: The array of step configurations to add to the built-in
configurations. Will be merged with the defaults, with any configurations passed
in overwriting built-in steps. See the `$_steps` property for more information.
- `'processes'` _array_: The array of process steps to add to the built-in
configurations. Will be merged with the defaults, with any configurations passed
in overwriting built-in processes. See the `$_processes` property for more
- `'outputFilters'` _array_: An array of filters to be used when handling output. By
default, the class is initialized with one filter, `h`, which is used in automatic
output escaping. |
리턴 |
void |
Evaluates a step condition to determine if the step should be executed.
protected _conditions ( array $step, array $params, array $data, array $options ) : boolean |
$step |
array |
The array of instructions that define a rendering step. |
$params |
array |
The parameters associated with this rendering operation, as passed to
`render()` (filtered from the `$options` parameter). |
$data |
array |
The associative array of template variables passed to `render()`. |
$options |
array |
The `$options` parameter, as passed to `render()`. |
리턴 |
boolean |
Returns `true` if the step should be executed, or `false` if the step should
be skipped. If the step array has a `'conditions'` key which is a string, it checks
to see if the rendering options (`$options`) contain a key of the same name, and if
that key evaluates to `true`. If `'conditions'` is a closure, that closure is
executed with the rendering parameters (`$params`, `$data`, and `$options`), and the
result is determined by the return value of the closure. If a step definition has no
`'conditions'` key, it is always executed. |
Handles API backward compatibility by converting an array-based rendering instruction passed
to render() as a process, to a set of rendering steps, rewriting any associated rendering
parameters as necessary.
protected _convertSteps ( array $command, array &$params, array $defaults ) : array |
$command |
array |
A deprecated rendering instruction, i.e.
`array('template' => '/path/to/template')`. |
$params |
array |
The array of associated rendering parameters, passed by reference. |
$defaults |
array |
Default step rendering options to be merged with the passed rendering
instruction information. |
리턴 |
array |
Returns a converted set of rendering steps, to be executed in `render()`. |
Looks up and initializes loader and renderer classes, and initializes the output escape
handler, matching the encoding from the Response object.
Converts a process name to an array containing the rendering steps to be executed for each
protected _process ( string $process, array &$params ) : array |
$process |
string |
A named set of rendering steps. |
$params |
array |
리턴 |
array |
A 2-dimensional array that defines the rendering process. The first dimension
is a numerically-indexed array containing each rendering step. The second dimension
represents the parameters for each step. |
Performs a rendering step.
protected _step ( array $step, array $params, array &$data, array &$options = [] ) : string |
$step |
array |
The array defining the step configuration to render. |
$params |
array |
An associative array of string values used in the template lookup
process. See the `$params` argument of `File::template()`. |
$data |
array |
associative array for template data. |
$options |
array |
An associative array of options to pass to the renderer. See the
`$options` parameter of `Renderer::render()` or `File::render()`. |
리턴 |
string |
Executes a named rendering process by running each process step in sequence and aggregating
the results. The View class comes with 3 built-in processes: 'all', 'template', and
'element'. The 'all' process is the default two-step rendered view, where a template is
wrapped in a layout containing a header and footer.
public render ( string $process, array $data = [], array $options = [] ) : string |
$process |
string |
A named set of rendering steps defined in the `$_processes` array. |
$data |
array |
An associative array of data to be rendered in the set of templates. |
$options |
array |
Options used when rendering. Available keys are as follows:
- `'type'` _string_: The type of content to render. Defaults to `'html'`.
- `'layout'` _string_: The name of the layout to use in the default two-step
rendering process. Defaults to `null`.
- `'template'` _string_: The name of the template to render. Defaults to `null`.
- `'context'` _array_: An associative array of information to inject into the
rendering context.
- `'paths'` _array_: A nested array of paths to use for rendering steps. The
top-level keys should match the `'path'` key in a step configuration (i.e.:
`'template'`, `'layout'`, or `'element'`), and the second level is an array
of path template strings to search (can be a string if there's only one path).
These path strings generally take the following form:
`'{:library}/views/{:controller}/{:template}.{:type}.php'`. These template
strings are specific to the `File` loader, but can take any form useful to the
template loader being used. |
리턴 |
string |
Returns the result of the rendering process, typically by rendering a template
first, then rendering a layout (using the default configuration of the `'all'`
process). |
프로퍼티 상세
Path used to look up view loading and rendering adapters.
protected string $_adapters |
리턴 |
string |
$_autoConfig 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티
Auto-configuration parameters.
The object responsible for loading template files.
For example, the default process, 'all', renders a template, then renders a layout, using
the rendered template content. A process can be defined using one or more steps defined in
the $_steps property. Each process definition is a simple array of ordered values, where
each value is a key in the $_steps array.
protected array $_processes |
리턴 |
array |
Object responsible for rendering output.
Holds the details of the current request that originated the call to this view, if
applicable. May be empty if this does not apply. For example, if the View class is
created to render an email.
Holds a reference to the Response object that will be returned at the end of the current
dispatch cycle. Allows headers and other response attributes to be assigned in the templating
Each step is named by its key in the $_steps array, and can have the following options:
- 'path' _string_: Indicates the set of paths to use when loading templates.
- 'conditions' _mixed_: Make the step dependent on a value being present, or on some other
arbitrary condition. If a 'conditions' is a string, it indicates that a key with that
name must be present in the $options passed to render(), and must be set to a
non-empty value. If a closure, it will be executed with the rendering parameters, and must
return true or false. In either case, if the condition is satisfied, the step is
processed. Otherwise, it is skipped. See the _conditions() method for more information.
- 'capture' _array_: If specified, allows the results of this rendering step to be assigned
to a template variable used in subsequent steps, or to the templating context for use in
subsequent steps. If can be specified in the form of array('context' => '') or
array('data' => ''). If the 'context' key is used, the results are captured
to the rendering context. Likewise with the 'data' key, results are captured to a
template variable.
- 'multi' _boolean_: If set to true, the rendering parameter matching the name of this
step can be an array containing multiple values, in which case this step is executed
multiple times, once for each value of the array.
protected array $_steps |
리턴 |
array |
$outputFilters 공개적으로 프로퍼티
Output filters for view rendering.