PHP 클래스 ManaPHP\Image

상속: implements manaphp\ImageInterface
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: manaphp/manaphp

공개 프로퍼티들

프로퍼티 타입 설명
$adapter ManaPHP\Image\AdapterInterface

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
__construct ( string $file ) ImageInterface constructor.
crop ( integer $width, integer $height, integer $offsetX, integer $offsetY ) : static
getHeight ( ) : integer Image height
getWidth ( ) : integer Image width
resize ( integer $width, integer $height ) : static
resizeCropCenter ( integer $width, integer $height ) : static Resize the image by a given width and height
rotate ( integer $degrees, integer $background = 16777215, float $alpha = 1 ) : static Rotate the image by a given degrees
save ( string $file, integer $quality = 80 ) : static
scale ( float $ratio ) : static Scale the image by a given ratio
scaleFixedHeight ( integer $height ) : static Scale the image by a given height
scaleFixedWidth ( integer $width ) : static Scale the image by a given width
text ( string $text, integer $offsetX, integer $offsetY, float $opacity = 1, integer $color, integer $size = 12, string $font_file = null ) : static
watermark ( string $file, integer $offsetX, integer $offsetY, float $opacity = 1 ) : static

메소드 상세

__construct() 공개 메소드

ImageInterface constructor.
public __construct ( string $file )
$file string

crop() 공개 메소드

public crop ( integer $width, integer $height, integer $offsetX, integer $offsetY ) : static
$width integer
$height integer
$offsetX integer
$offsetY integer
리턴 static

getHeight() 공개 메소드

Image height
public getHeight ( ) : integer
리턴 integer

getWidth() 공개 메소드

Image width
public getWidth ( ) : integer
리턴 integer

resize() 공개 메소드

public resize ( integer $width, integer $height ) : static
$width integer
$height integer
리턴 static

resizeCropCenter() 공개 메소드

Resize the image by a given width and height
public resizeCropCenter ( integer $width, integer $height ) : static
$width integer
$height integer
리턴 static

rotate() 공개 메소드

Rotate the image by a given degrees
public rotate ( integer $degrees, integer $background = 16777215, float $alpha = 1 ) : static
$degrees integer
$background integer
$alpha float
리턴 static

save() 공개 메소드

public save ( string $file, integer $quality = 80 ) : static
$file string
$quality integer
리턴 static

scale() 공개 메소드

Scale the image by a given ratio
public scale ( float $ratio ) : static
$ratio float
리턴 static

scaleFixedHeight() 공개 메소드

Scale the image by a given height
public scaleFixedHeight ( integer $height ) : static
$height integer
리턴 static

scaleFixedWidth() 공개 메소드

Scale the image by a given width
public scaleFixedWidth ( integer $width ) : static
$width integer
리턴 static

text() 공개 메소드

public text ( string $text, integer $offsetX, integer $offsetY, float $opacity = 1, integer $color, integer $size = 12, string $font_file = null ) : static
$text string
$offsetX integer
$offsetY integer
$opacity float
$color integer
$size integer
$font_file string
리턴 static

watermark() 공개 메소드

public watermark ( string $file, integer $offsetX, integer $offsetY, float $opacity = 1 ) : static
$file string
$offsetX integer
$offsetY integer
$opacity float
리턴 static

프로퍼티 상세

$adapter 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public AdapterInterface,ManaPHP\Image $adapter
리턴 ManaPHP\Image\AdapterInterface