PHP 클래스 MetaModels\BackendIntegration\SearchablePages

파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: metamodels/core

보호된 프로퍼티들

프로퍼티 타입 설명
$configs array A list with all settings from the database.
$foundPages array A list with all pages found by Contao.

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
__construct ( ) Construct.
addPages ( array $pages, integer | null $rootPage = null, boolean | null $fromSiteMap = false, string | null $language = null ) : array Start point for the hook getSearchablePages.
setFilterParameters ( string $filterId, string[] $presets, string[] $values ) : array Set parameters.

보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
getAttributeFactory ( ) : MetaModels\Attribute\IAttributeFactory Get the attribute Factory.
getEventDispatcher ( ) : Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface Get the event Dispatcher.
getFilterSettings ( mixed $identifier ) : MetaModels\Filter\Setting\ICollection Get a filter based on the id.
getJumpTosFor ( array $availableLanguages, MetaModels\IMetaModel $metaModels, MetaModels\Filter\IFilter $filter, MetaModels\Render\Setting\ICollection $view, string | null $rootPage = null ) : array Get the list of jumpTos based on the items.
getLanguage ( string $singleLanguage, MetaModels\IMetaModel $metaModels ) : string[] Get the language.
getMetaModel ( string | integer $identifier, boolean $ignoreError ) : MetaModels\IMetaModel | null Get a MetaModels by name or id.
getMetaModelsFactory ( ) : MetaModels\IFactory Get the MetaModels Factory.
getServiceContainer ( ) : MetaModels\IMetaModelsServiceContainer Retrieve the service container.
getView ( string | integer $identifier, integer $view ) : MetaModels\Render\Setting\ICollection Get the view for a MetaModels.
removeEmptyDetailPages ( array $jumpTos ) : void Remove all empty detail pages.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
getBaseUrl ( string[] $pageDetails, null | string $path = null, boolean $ignoreSSL = false ) : ContaoCommunityAlliance\UrlBuilder\UrlBuilder Get the base URL.
getMetaModelsPages ( array $config, string | null $rootPage = null, string | null $language = null ) : void Get a MetaModels, a filter and a renderSetting. Get all items based on the filter and build the jumpTo urls.

메소드 상세

__construct() 공개 메소드

public __construct ( )

addPages() 공개 메소드

Start point for the hook getSearchablePages.
또한 보기: RebuildIndex::run()
또한 보기: Automator::generateSitemap()
public addPages ( array $pages, integer | null $rootPage = null, boolean | null $fromSiteMap = false, string | null $language = null ) : array
$pages array List with all pages.
$rootPage integer | null ID of the root page.
$fromSiteMap boolean | null True when called from sitemap generator, null otherwise.
$language string | null The current language.
리턴 array

getAttributeFactory() 보호된 메소드

Get the attribute Factory.
protected getAttributeFactory ( ) : MetaModels\Attribute\IAttributeFactory
리턴 MetaModels\Attribute\IAttributeFactory

getEventDispatcher() 보호된 메소드

Get the event Dispatcher.
protected getEventDispatcher ( ) : Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface
리턴 Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface

getFilterSettings() 보호된 메소드

Get a filter based on the id.
protected getFilterSettings ( mixed $identifier ) : MetaModels\Filter\Setting\ICollection
$identifier mixed Id of the filter.
리턴 MetaModels\Filter\Setting\ICollection The filter

getJumpTosFor() 보호된 메소드

Get the list of jumpTos based on the items.
protected getJumpTosFor ( array $availableLanguages, MetaModels\IMetaModel $metaModels, MetaModels\Filter\IFilter $filter, MetaModels\Render\Setting\ICollection $view, string | null $rootPage = null ) : array
$availableLanguages array List of languages to be used.
$metaModels MetaModels\IMetaModel The MetaModels to be used.
$filter MetaModels\Filter\IFilter The filter to be used.
$view MetaModels\Render\Setting\ICollection The view to be used.
$rootPage string | null The root page id or null if there is no root page.
리턴 array A list of urls for the jumpTos

getLanguage() 보호된 메소드

First check the overwrite language. Then check if the MetaModels is translated and get all languages from it. Use the current language as fallback.
protected getLanguage ( string $singleLanguage, MetaModels\IMetaModel $metaModels ) : string[]
$singleLanguage string The language with the overwrite.
$metaModels MetaModels\IMetaModel The MetaModels for the check.
리턴 string[] A list with all languages or null.

getMetaModel() 보호된 메소드

Get a MetaModels by name or id.
protected getMetaModel ( string | integer $identifier, boolean $ignoreError ) : MetaModels\IMetaModel | null
$identifier string | integer The Name or ID of a MetaModels.
$ignoreError boolean If true ignore errors like the MetaModels was not found.
리턴 MetaModels\IMetaModel | null

getMetaModelsFactory() 보호된 메소드

Get the MetaModels Factory.
protected getMetaModelsFactory ( ) : MetaModels\IFactory
리턴 MetaModels\IFactory

getServiceContainer() 보호된 메소드

Retrieve the service container.
protected getServiceContainer ( ) : MetaModels\IMetaModelsServiceContainer
리턴 MetaModels\IMetaModelsServiceContainer

getView() 보호된 메소드

Get the view for a MetaModels.
protected getView ( string | integer $identifier, integer $view ) : MetaModels\Render\Setting\ICollection
$identifier string | integer ID/Name of the MetaModels.
$view integer ID of the view.
리턴 MetaModels\Render\Setting\ICollection

removeEmptyDetailPages() 보호된 메소드

Remove all empty detail pages.
protected removeEmptyDetailPages ( array $jumpTos ) : void
$jumpTos array A list with the jumpTo pages.
리턴 void

setFilterParameters() 공개 메소드

Set parameters.
public setFilterParameters ( string $filterId, string[] $presets, string[] $values ) : array
$filterId string The id of the filter.
$presets string[] The parameter preset values to use.
$values string[] The dynamic parameter values that may be used.
리턴 array

프로퍼티 상세

$configs 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

A list with all settings from the database.
protected array $configs
리턴 array

$foundPages 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

A list with all pages found by Contao.
protected array $foundPages
리턴 array