PHP 클래스 Mojopollo\Schema\MakeMigrationJson

파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: mojopollo/laravel-json-schema 1 사용 예제들

보호된 프로퍼티들

프로퍼티 타입 설명
$blueprint Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint The Blueprint instance.
$filesystem Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem The Filesystem instance.

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
__construct ( ) New instance
getColumnIndexes ( ) : array Get an array of valid column indexes
getColumnModifiers ( ) : array Get an array of column modifiers from the MySqlGrammar::modifiers property
isValidColumnType ( string $type ) : boolean Checks if supplied string argument is a valid column type
jsonFileToArray ( string $path ) : array Grabs a json file and returns a array
parseProperty ( string $type ) : string Parses the property without the parameters in this method, "string" and "string(50)" should both return as "string"
parseSchema ( array $data, array $only = [] ) : array Parses the schema from the json array into a readable format laravel generators extended understand
setMigrationName ( string $tableName ) : string Creates a migration name from a table name or keeps it intact if a migration name has already been set
validateSchema ( array $data ) : array Validates the schema from the json array and returns an error of syntax errors if any are found

메소드 상세

__construct() 공개 메소드

New instance
public __construct ( )

getColumnIndexes() 공개 메소드

Get an array of valid column indexes
또한 보기:
또한 보기:
public getColumnIndexes ( ) : array
리턴 array list of the possible column indexes

getColumnModifiers() 공개 메소드

Get an array of column modifiers from the MySqlGrammar::modifiers property
public getColumnModifiers ( ) : array
리턴 array Example: unsigned, charset, collate, ...

isValidColumnType() 공개 메소드

Checks if supplied string argument is a valid column type
또한 보기:
public isValidColumnType ( string $type ) : boolean
$type string Example: string, integer, text, timestamp, etc
리턴 boolean Returns true if valid, otherwise false

jsonFileToArray() 공개 메소드

Grabs a json file and returns a array
public jsonFileToArray ( string $path ) : array
$path string The path to the json file
리턴 array The parsed array

parseProperty() 공개 메소드

Parses the property without the parameters in this method, "string" and "string(50)" should both return as "string"
public parseProperty ( string $type ) : string
$type string Example: "string", "string(50)", etc
리턴 string the parsed column type name

parseSchema() 공개 메소드

Parses the schema from the json array into a readable format laravel generators extended understand
public parseSchema ( array $data, array $only = [] ) : array
$data array The array containing the json output from file
$only array (optional) array containing specific table/migration names to retrieve from the json file
리턴 array The finished parsed schema for use with generators extended

setMigrationName() 공개 메소드

Creates a migration name from a table name or keeps it intact if a migration name has already been set
public setMigrationName ( string $tableName ) : string
$tableName string The original table name (Example: users, cats, create_users_table)
리턴 string The migration name

validateSchema() 공개 메소드

Validates the schema from the json array and returns an error of syntax errors if any are found
또한 보기:
또한 보기:
public validateSchema ( array $data ) : array
$data array The array containing the json output from file
리턴 array Any errors identified for every field schema

프로퍼티 상세

$blueprint 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

The Blueprint instance.
protected Blueprint,Illuminate\Database\Schema $blueprint
리턴 Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint

$filesystem 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

The Filesystem instance.
protected Filesystem,Illuminate\Filesystem $filesystem
리턴 Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem