메소드 |
설명 |
arange ( float $low, float $high, float $step = 1 ) : NumArray |
Creates a vector (NumArray) from $low to $high with $step steps |
eye ( integer $mAxis, integer $nAxis ) : NumArray |
Returns a matrix (NumArray) filled with 0 and 1 on the main diagonal |
identity ( integer $mAxis ) : NumArray |
Returns a identity matrix (NumArray) filled with 0 and 1 on the main
diagonal |
linspace ( float $low, float $high, integer $number ) : NumArray |
Creates a vector (NumArray) from $low to $high with the size of $number |
ones ( ) : NumArray |
Returns a NumArray filled with 1 |
onesLike ( NumArray $numArray ) : NumArray |
Returns a NumArray with the same size, but filled with 1 |
rand ( ) : NumArray |
Returns a NumArray filled with random values |
randLike ( NumArray $numArray ) : NumArray |
Returns a NumArray with the same size, but filled with random values |
zeros ( ) : NumArray |
Returns a NumArray filled with 0 |
zerosLike ( NumArray $numArray ) : NumArray |
Returns a NumArray with the same size, but filled with 0 |