메소드 |
설명 |
accessRules ( ) : array |
Access rules for ticket actions. |
actionCollapseTicket ( $ticket_id ) |
Set user to session to keep ticket collapsed. |
actionExpandTicket ( $ticket_id ) |
Set user to session to keep ticket expanded. |
actionGetFirmsForSubspecialty ( ) |
actionGetPatientAlert ( $patient_id ) |
Load the Patient Alert widget for the given patient. |
actionGetQueueAssignmentForm ( $id ) |
Generates the form for assigning a Ticket to the given Queue. |
actionGetTicketTableRow ( $id ) |
Generate individual row for the given Ticket id. |
actionGetTicketTableRowHistory ( $id ) |
Generate history rows for the given Ticket id. |
actionIndex ( ) |
Generate a list of current tickets. |
actionMoveTicket ( $id ) |
Handles the moving of a ticket to a new Queue. |
actionNavigateToEvent ( $id ) |
Handles the moving of a ticket to a new Queue. |
actionReleaseTicket ( $id ) |
Release a ticket from assignment. |
actionStartTicketProcess ( $ticket_id ) |
Action to mark the given ticket as being processed by the current user
Redirects to the appropriate page for the user to process the patient. |
actionTakeTicket ( $id ) |
Method to take ownership of a ticket for the current user. |
actionUndoLastStep ( $id ) |
checkQueueSetProcessAccess ( $queueset ) : mixed |
Check the current user is permissioned on the given queueset. |
printActions ( ) : array: |
List of print actions. |
setTicketState ( $ticket, $expand, boolean $unique = false ) |
Abstraction of managing session tracking of expanded tickets. |
validateForm ( $ticket_id ) |