PHP 클래스 PayPal\EBLBaseComponents\SetExpressCheckoutRequestDetailsType

상속: extends PayPal\Core\PPXmlMessage
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: paypal/merchant-sdk-php

공개 프로퍼티들

프로퍼티 타입 설명
$Address AddressType Customer's shipping address. Optional If you include a shipping address and set the AddressOverride element on the request, PayPal returns this same address in GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponse.
$AddressOverride string The value 1 indicates that the PayPal pages should display the shipping address set by you in the Address element on this SetExpressCheckoutRequest, not the shipping address on file with PayPal for this customer. Displaying the PayPal street address on file does not allow the customer to edit that address. Optional Character length and limitations: Four single-byte numeric characters.
$AllowNote string Allowable values: 0,1
$BanktxnPendingURL string URL to which the customer's browser can be returned in the mEFT done page. Optional Character length and limitations: no limit.
$BillingAddress AddressType The billing address for the buyer. Optional If you include the BillingAddress element, the AddressType elements are required: Name Street1 CityName CountryCode Do not set set the CountryName element.
$BillingAgreementDetails BillingAgreementDetailsType
$BrandName string The label that needs to be displayed on the cancel links in the PayPal hosted checkout pages. Optional Character length and limit: 127 single-byte alphanumeric characters
$BuyerDetails BuyerDetailsType Details about the buyer's account. Optional Refer to the BuyerDetailsType for more details.
$BuyerEmail string PayPal uses this value to pre-fill the PayPal membership sign-up portion of the PayPal login page. Optional Character length and limit: 127 single-byte alphanumeric characters
$BuyerEmailOptInEnable string Information about the Buyer email option enable .
$CallbackTimeout string Information about the call back timeout override.
$CallbackURL string URL for PayPal to use to retrieve shipping, handling, insurance, and tax details from your website. Optional Character length and limitations: 2048 characters.
$CallbackVersion string Information about the call back version.
$CancelURL string URL to which the customer is returned if he does not approve the use of PayPal to pay you. PayPal recommends that the value of CancelURL be the original page on which the customer chose to pay with PayPal. Required Character length and limitations: no limit
$ChannelType string
$CoupledBuckets CoupledBucketsType Optional element that defines relationship between buckets
$Custom string A free-form field for your own use, such as a tracking number or other value you want PayPal to return on GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponse and DoExpressCheckoutPaymentResponse. Optional Character length and limitations: 256 single-byte alphanumeric characters
$CustomerServiceNumber string Information about the Customer service number.
$DisplayControlDetails DisplayControlDetailsType An optional set of values related to display-specific details.
$EnhancedCheckoutData PayPal\EnhancedDataTypes\EnhancedCheckoutDataType Enhanced data for different industry segments. Optional
$ExternalPartnerTrackingDetails ExternalPartnerTrackingDetailsType An optional set of values related to tracking for external partner.
$ExternalRememberMeOptInDetails ExternalRememberMeOptInDetailsType Note the opt-in details are silently ignored if the ExternalRememberMeID is present.
$FlatRateShippingOptions ShippingOptionType List of Fall Back Shipping options provided by merchant.
$FlowControlDetails FlowControlDetailsType An optional set of values related to flow-specific details.
$FundingSourceDetails FundingSourceDetailsType Funding source preferences.
$GiftMessageEnable string Information about the Gift message enable.
$GiftReceiptEnable string Information about the Gift receipt enable.
$GiftWrapAmount PayPal\CoreComponentTypes\BasicAmountType Information about the Gift Wrap amount.
$GiftWrapEnable string Information about the Gift Wrap enable.
$GiftWrapName string Information about the Gift Wrap name.
$Incentives IncentiveInfoType Incentive Code Optional List of incentive codes supplied by ebay/merchant.
$InvoiceID string Optional Character length and limitations: 127 single-byte alphanumeric characters
$LandingPage string This indicates Which page to display for ExpressO (Billing or Login) Optional None Billing indicates that you are not a paypal account holder Login indicates that you are a paypal account holder
$LocaleCode string Optional Character length and limitations: Five single-byte alphabetic characters, upper- or lowercase. Allowable values: AU or en_AUDE or de_DEFR or fr_FRGB or en_GBIT or it_ITJP or ja_JPUS or en_US
$MaxAmount PayPal\CoreComponentTypes\BasicAmountType Limitations: Must not exceed $10,000 USD in any currency. No currency symbol. Decimal separator must be a period (.), and the thousands separator must be a comma (,).
$NoShipping string The value 1 indicates that on the PayPal pages, no shipping address fields should be displayed whatsoever. Optional Character length and limitations: Four single-byte numeric characters.
$NoteToBuyer string Any message the seller would like to be displayed in the Mini Cart for UX.
$OrderDescription string Description of items the customer is purchasing. Optional Character length and limitations: 127 single-byte alphanumeric characters
$OrderTotal PayPal\CoreComponentTypes\BasicAmountType The total cost of the order to the customer. If shipping cost and tax charges are known, include them in OrderTotal; if not, OrderTotal should be the current sub-total of the order. You must set the currencyID attribute to one of the three-character currency codes for any of the supported PayPal currencies. Limitations: Must not exceed $10,000 USD in any currency. No currency symbol. Decimal separator must be a period (.), and the thousands separator must be a comma (,).
$OtherPaymentMethods OtherPaymentMethodDetailsType Optional Refer to the OtherPaymentMethodDetailsType for more details.
$PageStyle string The value is the same as the Page Style Name you chose when adding or editing the page style from the Profile subtab of the My Account tab of your PayPal account. Optional Character length and limitations: 30 single-byte alphabetic characters.
$PayPalCheckOutBtnType string Default Funding option for PayLater Checkout button.
$PaymentAction string Sale indicates that this is a final sale for which you are requesting payment. IMPORTANT: You cannot set PaymentAction to Sale or Order on SetExpressCheckoutRequest and then change PaymentAction to Authorization on the final Express Checkout API, DoExpressCheckoutPaymentRequest. Character length and limit: Up to 13 single-byte alphabetic characters
$PaymentDetails PaymentDetailsType Information about the payment.
$ProductCategory string
$ProfileAddressChangeDate Date and time (in GMT in the format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ) at which address was changed by the user.
$PromoCodes string Promo Code Optional List of promo codes supplied by merchant. These promo codes enable the Merchant Services Promotion Financing feature.
$ReqBillingAddress string The value 1 indicates that you require that the customer's billing address on file. Setting this element overrides the setting you have specified in Admin. Optional Character length and limitations: One single-byte numeric character.
$ReqConfirmShipping string Any value other than 1 indicates that the customer's shipping address on file with PayPal need NOT be a confirmed address. Setting this element overrides the setting you have specified in the recipient's Merchant Account Profile. Optional Character length and limitations: One single-byte numeric character.
$ReqInstrumentDetails string Merchant specified flag which indicates whether to return Funding Instrument Details in DoEC or not. Optional
$ReturnURL string URL to which the customer's browser is returned after choosing to pay with PayPal. PayPal recommends that the value of ReturnURL be the final review page on which the customer confirms the order and payment. Required Character length and limitations: no limit.
$ShippingMethod string
$SolutionType string This will indicate which flow you are choosing (expresschecheckout or expresscheckout optional) Optional None Sole indicates that you are in the ExpressO flow Mark indicates that you are in the old express flow.
$SurveyChoice string Information about the survey choices for survey question.
$SurveyEnable string Information about the survey enable.
$SurveyQuestion string Information about the survey question.
$Token string On your first invocation of SetExpressCheckoutRequest, the value of this token is returned by SetExpressCheckoutResponse. Optional Include this element and its value only if you want to modify an existing checkout session with another invocation of SetExpressCheckoutRequest; for example, if you want the customer to edit his shipping address on PayPal. Character length and limitations: 20 single-byte characters
$TotalType string
$TrackingImageURL string Tracking URL for ebay. Required Character length and limitations: no limit
$cppcartbordercolor string Optional Character length and limitation: Six character HTML hexadecimal color code in ASCII
$cppheaderbackcolor string Sets the background color for the header of the payment page. Optional Character length and limitation: Six character HTML hexadecimal color code in ASCII
$cppheaderbordercolor string The border is a 2-pixel perimeter around the header space, which is 750 pixels wide by 90 pixels high. Optional Character length and limitations: Six character HTML hexadecimal color code in ASCII
$cppheaderimage string A URL for the image you want to appear at the top left of the payment page. The image has a maximum size of 750 pixels wide by 90 pixels high. PayPal recommends that you provide an image that is stored on a secure (https) server. Optional Character length and limitations: 127
$cpplogoimage string The image has a maximum size of 190 pixels wide by 60 pixels high. PayPal recommends that you provide an image that is stored on a secure (https) server. Optional Character length and limitations: 127
$cpppayflowcolor string Sets the background color for the payment page. Optional Character length and limitation: Six character HTML hexadecimal color code in ASCII
$giropayCancelURL string URL to which the customer's browser is returned after fail to pay with giropay online. Optional Character length and limitations: no limit.
$giropaySuccessURL string URL to which the customer's browser is returned after paying with giropay online. Optional Character length and limitations: no limit.

프로퍼티 상세

$Address 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Customer's shipping address. Optional If you include a shipping address and set the AddressOverride element on the request, PayPal returns this same address in GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponse.
public AddressType,PayPal\EBLBaseComponents $Address
리턴 AddressType

$AddressOverride 공개적으로 프로퍼티

The value 1 indicates that the PayPal pages should display the shipping address set by you in the Address element on this SetExpressCheckoutRequest, not the shipping address on file with PayPal for this customer. Displaying the PayPal street address on file does not allow the customer to edit that address. Optional Character length and limitations: Four single-byte numeric characters.
public string $AddressOverride
리턴 string

$AllowNote 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Allowable values: 0,1
public string $AllowNote
리턴 string

$BanktxnPendingURL 공개적으로 프로퍼티

URL to which the customer's browser can be returned in the mEFT done page. Optional Character length and limitations: no limit.
public string $BanktxnPendingURL
리턴 string

$BillingAddress 공개적으로 프로퍼티

The billing address for the buyer. Optional If you include the BillingAddress element, the AddressType elements are required: Name Street1 CityName CountryCode Do not set set the CountryName element.
public AddressType,PayPal\EBLBaseComponents $BillingAddress
리턴 AddressType

$BillingAgreementDetails 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public BillingAgreementDetailsType,PayPal\EBLBaseComponents $BillingAgreementDetails
리턴 BillingAgreementDetailsType

$BrandName 공개적으로 프로퍼티

The label that needs to be displayed on the cancel links in the PayPal hosted checkout pages. Optional Character length and limit: 127 single-byte alphanumeric characters
public string $BrandName
리턴 string

$BuyerDetails 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Details about the buyer's account. Optional Refer to the BuyerDetailsType for more details.
public BuyerDetailsType,PayPal\EBLBaseComponents $BuyerDetails
리턴 BuyerDetailsType

$BuyerEmail 공개적으로 프로퍼티

PayPal uses this value to pre-fill the PayPal membership sign-up portion of the PayPal login page. Optional Character length and limit: 127 single-byte alphanumeric characters
public string $BuyerEmail
리턴 string

$BuyerEmailOptInEnable 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Information about the Buyer email option enable .
public string $BuyerEmailOptInEnable
리턴 string

$CallbackTimeout 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Information about the call back timeout override.
public string $CallbackTimeout
리턴 string

$CallbackURL 공개적으로 프로퍼티

URL for PayPal to use to retrieve shipping, handling, insurance, and tax details from your website. Optional Character length and limitations: 2048 characters.
public string $CallbackURL
리턴 string

$CallbackVersion 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Information about the call back version.
public string $CallbackVersion
리턴 string

$CancelURL 공개적으로 프로퍼티

URL to which the customer is returned if he does not approve the use of PayPal to pay you. PayPal recommends that the value of CancelURL be the original page on which the customer chose to pay with PayPal. Required Character length and limitations: no limit
public string $CancelURL
리턴 string

$ChannelType 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public string $ChannelType
리턴 string

$CoupledBuckets 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Optional element that defines relationship between buckets
public CoupledBucketsType,PayPal\EBLBaseComponents $CoupledBuckets
리턴 CoupledBucketsType

$Custom 공개적으로 프로퍼티

A free-form field for your own use, such as a tracking number or other value you want PayPal to return on GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponse and DoExpressCheckoutPaymentResponse. Optional Character length and limitations: 256 single-byte alphanumeric characters
public string $Custom
리턴 string

$CustomerServiceNumber 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Information about the Customer service number.
public string $CustomerServiceNumber
리턴 string

$DisplayControlDetails 공개적으로 프로퍼티

An optional set of values related to display-specific details.
public DisplayControlDetailsType,PayPal\EBLBaseComponents $DisplayControlDetails
리턴 DisplayControlDetailsType

$EnhancedCheckoutData 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Enhanced data for different industry segments. Optional
public EnhancedCheckoutDataType,PayPal\EnhancedDataTypes $EnhancedCheckoutData
리턴 PayPal\EnhancedDataTypes\EnhancedCheckoutDataType

$ExternalPartnerTrackingDetails 공개적으로 프로퍼티

An optional set of values related to tracking for external partner.
public ExternalPartnerTrackingDetailsType,PayPal\EBLBaseComponents $ExternalPartnerTrackingDetails
리턴 ExternalPartnerTrackingDetailsType

$ExternalRememberMeOptInDetails 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Note the opt-in details are silently ignored if the ExternalRememberMeID is present.
public ExternalRememberMeOptInDetailsType,PayPal\EBLBaseComponents $ExternalRememberMeOptInDetails
리턴 ExternalRememberMeOptInDetailsType

$FlatRateShippingOptions 공개적으로 프로퍼티

List of Fall Back Shipping options provided by merchant.
public ShippingOptionType,PayPal\EBLBaseComponents $FlatRateShippingOptions
리턴 ShippingOptionType

$FlowControlDetails 공개적으로 프로퍼티

An optional set of values related to flow-specific details.
public FlowControlDetailsType,PayPal\EBLBaseComponents $FlowControlDetails
리턴 FlowControlDetailsType

$FundingSourceDetails 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Funding source preferences.
public FundingSourceDetailsType,PayPal\EBLBaseComponents $FundingSourceDetails
리턴 FundingSourceDetailsType

$GiftMessageEnable 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Information about the Gift message enable.
public string $GiftMessageEnable
리턴 string

$GiftReceiptEnable 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Information about the Gift receipt enable.
public string $GiftReceiptEnable
리턴 string

$GiftWrapAmount 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Information about the Gift Wrap amount.
public BasicAmountType,PayPal\CoreComponentTypes $GiftWrapAmount
리턴 PayPal\CoreComponentTypes\BasicAmountType

$GiftWrapEnable 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Information about the Gift Wrap enable.
public string $GiftWrapEnable
리턴 string

$GiftWrapName 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Information about the Gift Wrap name.
public string $GiftWrapName
리턴 string

$Incentives 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Incentive Code Optional List of incentive codes supplied by ebay/merchant.
public IncentiveInfoType,PayPal\EBLBaseComponents $Incentives
리턴 IncentiveInfoType

$InvoiceID 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Optional Character length and limitations: 127 single-byte alphanumeric characters
public string $InvoiceID
리턴 string

$LandingPage 공개적으로 프로퍼티

This indicates Which page to display for ExpressO (Billing or Login) Optional None Billing indicates that you are not a paypal account holder Login indicates that you are a paypal account holder
public string $LandingPage
리턴 string

$LocaleCode 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Optional Character length and limitations: Five single-byte alphabetic characters, upper- or lowercase. Allowable values: AU or en_AUDE or de_DEFR or fr_FRGB or en_GBIT or it_ITJP or ja_JPUS or en_US
public string $LocaleCode
리턴 string

$MaxAmount 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Limitations: Must not exceed $10,000 USD in any currency. No currency symbol. Decimal separator must be a period (.), and the thousands separator must be a comma (,).
public BasicAmountType,PayPal\CoreComponentTypes $MaxAmount
리턴 PayPal\CoreComponentTypes\BasicAmountType

$NoShipping 공개적으로 프로퍼티

The value 1 indicates that on the PayPal pages, no shipping address fields should be displayed whatsoever. Optional Character length and limitations: Four single-byte numeric characters.
public string $NoShipping
리턴 string

$NoteToBuyer 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Any message the seller would like to be displayed in the Mini Cart for UX.
public string $NoteToBuyer
리턴 string

$OrderDescription 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Description of items the customer is purchasing. Optional Character length and limitations: 127 single-byte alphanumeric characters
public string $OrderDescription
리턴 string

$OrderTotal 공개적으로 프로퍼티

The total cost of the order to the customer. If shipping cost and tax charges are known, include them in OrderTotal; if not, OrderTotal should be the current sub-total of the order. You must set the currencyID attribute to one of the three-character currency codes for any of the supported PayPal currencies. Limitations: Must not exceed $10,000 USD in any currency. No currency symbol. Decimal separator must be a period (.), and the thousands separator must be a comma (,).
public BasicAmountType,PayPal\CoreComponentTypes $OrderTotal
리턴 PayPal\CoreComponentTypes\BasicAmountType

$OtherPaymentMethods 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Optional Refer to the OtherPaymentMethodDetailsType for more details.
public OtherPaymentMethodDetailsType,PayPal\EBLBaseComponents $OtherPaymentMethods
리턴 OtherPaymentMethodDetailsType

$PageStyle 공개적으로 프로퍼티

The value is the same as the Page Style Name you chose when adding or editing the page style from the Profile subtab of the My Account tab of your PayPal account. Optional Character length and limitations: 30 single-byte alphabetic characters.
public string $PageStyle
리턴 string

$PayPalCheckOutBtnType 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Default Funding option for PayLater Checkout button.
public string $PayPalCheckOutBtnType
리턴 string

$PaymentAction 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Sale indicates that this is a final sale for which you are requesting payment. IMPORTANT: You cannot set PaymentAction to Sale or Order on SetExpressCheckoutRequest and then change PaymentAction to Authorization on the final Express Checkout API, DoExpressCheckoutPaymentRequest. Character length and limit: Up to 13 single-byte alphabetic characters
public string $PaymentAction
리턴 string

$PaymentDetails 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Information about the payment.
public PaymentDetailsType,PayPal\EBLBaseComponents $PaymentDetails
리턴 PaymentDetailsType

$ProductCategory 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public string $ProductCategory
리턴 string

$ProfileAddressChangeDate 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Date and time (in GMT in the format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ) at which address was changed by the user.
public $ProfileAddressChangeDate

$PromoCodes 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Promo Code Optional List of promo codes supplied by merchant. These promo codes enable the Merchant Services Promotion Financing feature.
public string $PromoCodes
리턴 string

$ReqBillingAddress 공개적으로 프로퍼티

The value 1 indicates that you require that the customer's billing address on file. Setting this element overrides the setting you have specified in Admin. Optional Character length and limitations: One single-byte numeric character.
public string $ReqBillingAddress
리턴 string

$ReqConfirmShipping 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Any value other than 1 indicates that the customer's shipping address on file with PayPal need NOT be a confirmed address. Setting this element overrides the setting you have specified in the recipient's Merchant Account Profile. Optional Character length and limitations: One single-byte numeric character.
public string $ReqConfirmShipping
리턴 string

$ReqInstrumentDetails 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Merchant specified flag which indicates whether to return Funding Instrument Details in DoEC or not. Optional
public string $ReqInstrumentDetails
리턴 string

$ReturnURL 공개적으로 프로퍼티

URL to which the customer's browser is returned after choosing to pay with PayPal. PayPal recommends that the value of ReturnURL be the final review page on which the customer confirms the order and payment. Required Character length and limitations: no limit.
public string $ReturnURL
리턴 string

$ShippingMethod 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public string $ShippingMethod
리턴 string

$SolutionType 공개적으로 프로퍼티

This will indicate which flow you are choosing (expresschecheckout or expresscheckout optional) Optional None Sole indicates that you are in the ExpressO flow Mark indicates that you are in the old express flow.
public string $SolutionType
리턴 string

$SurveyChoice 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Information about the survey choices for survey question.
public string $SurveyChoice
리턴 string

$SurveyEnable 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Information about the survey enable.
public string $SurveyEnable
리턴 string

$SurveyQuestion 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Information about the survey question.
public string $SurveyQuestion
리턴 string

$Token 공개적으로 프로퍼티

On your first invocation of SetExpressCheckoutRequest, the value of this token is returned by SetExpressCheckoutResponse. Optional Include this element and its value only if you want to modify an existing checkout session with another invocation of SetExpressCheckoutRequest; for example, if you want the customer to edit his shipping address on PayPal. Character length and limitations: 20 single-byte characters
public string $Token
리턴 string

$TotalType 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public string $TotalType
리턴 string

$TrackingImageURL 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Tracking URL for ebay. Required Character length and limitations: no limit
public string $TrackingImageURL
리턴 string

$cppcartbordercolor 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Optional Character length and limitation: Six character HTML hexadecimal color code in ASCII
public string $cppcartbordercolor
리턴 string

$cppheaderbackcolor 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Sets the background color for the header of the payment page. Optional Character length and limitation: Six character HTML hexadecimal color code in ASCII
public string $cppheaderbackcolor
리턴 string

$cppheaderbordercolor 공개적으로 프로퍼티

The border is a 2-pixel perimeter around the header space, which is 750 pixels wide by 90 pixels high. Optional Character length and limitations: Six character HTML hexadecimal color code in ASCII
public string $cppheaderbordercolor
리턴 string

$cppheaderimage 공개적으로 프로퍼티

A URL for the image you want to appear at the top left of the payment page. The image has a maximum size of 750 pixels wide by 90 pixels high. PayPal recommends that you provide an image that is stored on a secure (https) server. Optional Character length and limitations: 127
public string $cppheaderimage
리턴 string

$cpplogoimage 공개적으로 프로퍼티

The image has a maximum size of 190 pixels wide by 60 pixels high. PayPal recommends that you provide an image that is stored on a secure (https) server. Optional Character length and limitations: 127
public string $cpplogoimage
리턴 string

$cpppayflowcolor 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Sets the background color for the payment page. Optional Character length and limitation: Six character HTML hexadecimal color code in ASCII
public string $cpppayflowcolor
리턴 string

$giropayCancelURL 공개적으로 프로퍼티

URL to which the customer's browser is returned after fail to pay with giropay online. Optional Character length and limitations: no limit.
public string $giropayCancelURL
리턴 string

$giropaySuccessURL 공개적으로 프로퍼티

URL to which the customer's browser is returned after paying with giropay online. Optional Character length and limitations: no limit.
public string $giropaySuccessURL
리턴 string