PHP 클래스 PhpSpec\Laravel\Runner\Maintainer\LaravelMaintainer

상속: implements PhpSpec\Runner\Maintainer\Maintainer
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: benconstable/phpspec-laravel

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
__construct ( Laravel $laravel ) Constructor.
getPriority ( ) : integer Give this maintainer a high priority in the stack to ensure that Laravel is bootstrapped early.
prepare ( ExampleNode $example, PhpSpec\Specification $context, MatcherManager $matchers, CollaboratorManager $collaborators )
supports ( ExampleNode $example ) : boolean Check if this maintainer applies to the given node.
teardown ( ExampleNode $example, PhpSpec\Specification $context, MatcherManager $matchers, CollaboratorManager $collaborators )

메소드 상세

__construct() 공개 메소드

public __construct ( Laravel $laravel )
$laravel PhpSpec\Laravel\Util\Laravel

getPriority() 공개 메소드

Give this maintainer a high priority in the stack to ensure that Laravel is bootstrapped early.
public getPriority ( ) : integer
리턴 integer

prepare() 공개 메소드

public prepare ( ExampleNode $example, PhpSpec\Specification $context, MatcherManager $matchers, CollaboratorManager $collaborators )
$example PhpSpec\Loader\Node\ExampleNode
$context PhpSpec\Specification
$matchers PhpSpec\Runner\MatcherManager
$collaborators PhpSpec\Runner\CollaboratorManager

supports() 공개 메소드

Will check for the 'setLaravel' method.
public supports ( ExampleNode $example ) : boolean
$example PhpSpec\Loader\Node\ExampleNode
리턴 boolean

teardown() 공개 메소드

public teardown ( ExampleNode $example, PhpSpec\Specification $context, MatcherManager $matchers, CollaboratorManager $collaborators )
$example PhpSpec\Loader\Node\ExampleNode
$context PhpSpec\Specification
$matchers PhpSpec\Runner\MatcherManager
$collaborators PhpSpec\Runner\CollaboratorManager