PHP 클래스 Phrocco\Phrocco
It works on a single language file, delegating the processing to an adapter class,
then writes the resulting parsed content to an output file using the built-in templates.
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프로젝트 열기: rossriley/phrocco
1 사용 예제들
공개 프로퍼티들
프로퍼티 |
타입 |
설명 |
$adapter |
`AdapterInterface` |
This is primarily for internal use, storing a reference to the adapter class that will handle conversion. |
$file |
`string` |
The file that we will operate on. |
$layoutFile |
`string` |
Pass in standalone template files / css files to change the way the documentation looks. |
$output_file |
`string` |
The output file that the final html doc file will be written to. |
$sections |
`array` |
####Class Variables
Sections array is the main storage for code mapped to documentation. |
$stylesheetFile |
$title |
`string` |
Gets passed into the template file to become the HTML page title. |
보호된 프로퍼티들
공개 메소드들
메소드 |
설명 |
__construct ( `string` $language, `string` $file, `array` $options = [] ) : `void` |
###Class Constructor |
parse ( ) : `void` |
Proxies the parsing responsibility to the selected adapter. |
render ( ) : `string` |
### Template Render
By this point the sections array will be populated with either side of the Comment / Code divide. |
write ( $content ) : `void` |
### Template Write method
By this point the sections array will be populated with either side of the Comment / Code divide. |
보호된 메소드들
메소드 |
설명 |
createAdapter ( `string` $type ) : `AdapterInterface` |
###Create adapter by type. |
메소드 상세
public __construct ( `string` $language, `string` $file, `array` $options = [] ) : `void` |
$language |
`string` |
$file |
`string` |
$options |
`array` |
리턴 |
`void` |
###Create adapter by type.
protected createAdapter ( `string` $type ) : `AdapterInterface` |
$type |
`string` |
리턴 |
`AdapterInterface` |
Proxies the parsing responsibility to the selected adapter.
public parse ( ) : `void` |
리턴 |
`void` |
This method includes the template file and returns the generated content ready to write to file.
public render ( ) : `string` |
리턴 |
`string` |
This method includes the template file and writes the final buffer to the output file.
public write ( $content ) : `void` |
리턴 |
`void` |
프로퍼티 상세
This is primarily for internal use, storing a reference to the adapter class that will handle conversion.
public `AdapterInterface` $adapter |
리턴 |
`AdapterInterface` |
$adapterTypes 보호되어 있는 정적으로 프로퍼티
#### Available adapter types.
protected static array $adapterTypes |
리턴 |
array |
The file that we will operate on.
public `string` $file |
리턴 |
`string` |
Pass in standalone template files / css files to change the way the documentation looks.
public `string` $layoutFile |
리턴 |
`string` |
The output file that the final html doc file will be written to.
public `string` $output_file |
리턴 |
`string` |
####Class Variables
Sections array is the main storage for code mapped to documentation.
public `array` $sections |
리턴 |
`array` |
$stylesheetFile 공개적으로 프로퍼티
Gets passed into the template file to become the HTML page title.
public `string` $title |
리턴 |
`string` |