PHP 클래스 Phrocco\Pygment
This class simply proxies to two possible handlers, a local install of the Pygmentize gem or a remote webservice.
If the command line option is unavailable then it gets delegated to a web service.
Obviously using the web service will require a net connection and may slow down the processing time.
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프로젝트 열기: rossriley/phrocco
1 사용 예제들
공개 메소드들
메소드 |
설명 |
local_pygment ( $language, $code ) : `string` |
### Use Local Gem
If the pygmentize gem is available locally then we use this to parse the code. |
pygmentize ( `string` $language, `string` $code ) : `void` |
This is the main method that returns the processed code, and decides whether to use
a local gem or a remote web service. |
webservice ( $language, $code ) : `string` |
### Use Web Service
If the pygmentize gem is not available locally then we use a remote web serivce as a fallback. |
메소드 상세
### Use Local Gem
If the pygmentize gem is available locally then we use this to parse the code.
This is the main method that returns the processed code, and decides whether to use
a local gem or a remote web service.
public pygmentize ( `string` $language, `string` $code ) : `void` |
$language |
`string` |
$code |
`string` |
리턴 |
`void` |
### Use Web Service
If the pygmentize gem is not available locally then we use a remote web serivce as a fallback.
public webservice ( $language, $code ) : `string` |
리턴 |
`string` |