PHP 클래스 PMA\libraries\dbi\DBIMysql

상속: implements PMA\libraries\dbi\DBIExtension
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
affectedRows ( resource | null $link ) : integer returns the number of rows affected by last query
connect ( string $user, string $password, array $server ) : mixed connects to the database server
dataSeek ( resource $result, integer $offset ) : boolean Adjusts the result pointer to an arbitrary row in the result
escapeString ( mixed $link, string $str ) : string returns properly escaped string for use in MySQL queries
fetchArray ( resource $result ) : array returns array of rows with associative and numeric keys from $result
fetchAssoc ( resource $result ) : array returns array of rows with associative keys from $result
fetchRow ( resource $result ) : array returns array of rows with numeric keys from $result
fieldFlags ( resource $result, integer $i ) : string returns concatenated string of human readable field flags
fieldLen ( resource $result, integer $i ) : integer returns the length of the given field $i in $result
fieldName ( resource $result, integer $i ) : string returns name of $i. field in $result
freeResult ( resource $result ) : void Frees memory associated with the result
getClientInfo ( ) : string returns a string that represents the client library version
getError ( resource | null $link ) : string | boolean returns last error message or false if no errors occurred
getFieldsMeta ( resource $result ) : array returns metainfo for fields in $result
getHostInfo ( resource | null $link ) : string Returns a string representing the type of connection used
getProtoInfo ( resource | null $link ) : integer Returns the version of the MySQL protocol used
moreResults ( resource $link ) : boolean Check if there are any more query results from a multi query
nextResult ( resource $link ) : boolean Prepare next result from multi_query
numFields ( resource $result ) : integer return number of fields in given $result
numRows ( resource $result ) : string | integer returns the number of rows returned by last query
realMultiQuery ( mysqli $link, string $query ) : boolean Run the multi query and output the results
realQuery ( string $query, resource | null $link, integer $options ) : mixed runs a query and returns the result
selectDb ( string $dbname, resource | null $link ) : boolean selects given database
storeResult ( resource $result ) : false Store the result returned from multi query

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
_realConnect ( string $server, string $user, string $password, integer $client_flags, boolean $persistent = false ) : mixed Helper function for connecting to the database server

메소드 상세

affectedRows() 공개 메소드

returns the number of rows affected by last query
public affectedRows ( resource | null $link ) : integer
$link resource | null the mysql object
리턴 integer

connect() 공개 메소드

connects to the database server
public connect ( string $user, string $password, array $server ) : mixed
$user string mysql user name
$password string mysql user password
$server array host/port/socket/persistent
리턴 mixed false on error or a mysqli object on success

dataSeek() 공개 메소드

Adjusts the result pointer to an arbitrary row in the result
public dataSeek ( resource $result, integer $offset ) : boolean
$result resource database result
$offset integer offset to seek
리턴 boolean true on success, false on failure

escapeString() 공개 메소드

returns properly escaped string for use in MySQL queries
public escapeString ( mixed $link, string $str ) : string
$link mixed database link
$str string string to be escaped
리턴 string a MySQL escaped string

fetchArray() 공개 메소드

returns array of rows with associative and numeric keys from $result
public fetchArray ( resource $result ) : array
$result resource result MySQL result
리턴 array

fetchAssoc() 공개 메소드

returns array of rows with associative keys from $result
public fetchAssoc ( resource $result ) : array
$result resource MySQL result
리턴 array

fetchRow() 공개 메소드

returns array of rows with numeric keys from $result
public fetchRow ( resource $result ) : array
$result resource MySQL result
리턴 array

fieldFlags() 공개 메소드

returns concatenated string of human readable field flags
public fieldFlags ( resource $result, integer $i ) : string
$result resource MySQL result
$i integer field
리턴 string field flags

fieldLen() 공개 메소드

returns the length of the given field $i in $result
public fieldLen ( resource $result, integer $i ) : integer
$result resource MySQL result
$i integer field
리턴 integer length of field

fieldName() 공개 메소드

returns name of $i. field in $result
public fieldName ( resource $result, integer $i ) : string
$result resource MySQL result
$i integer field
리턴 string name of $i. field in $result

freeResult() 공개 메소드

Frees memory associated with the result
public freeResult ( resource $result ) : void
$result resource database result
리턴 void

getClientInfo() 공개 메소드

returns a string that represents the client library version
public getClientInfo ( ) : string
리턴 string MySQL client library version

getError() 공개 메소드

returns last error message or false if no errors occurred
public getError ( resource | null $link ) : string | boolean
$link resource | null mysql link
리턴 string | boolean $error or false

getFieldsMeta() 공개 메소드

returns metainfo for fields in $result
public getFieldsMeta ( resource $result ) : array
$result resource MySQL result
리턴 array meta info for fields in $result

getHostInfo() 공개 메소드

Returns a string representing the type of connection used
public getHostInfo ( resource | null $link ) : string
$link resource | null mysql link
리턴 string type of connection used

getProtoInfo() 공개 메소드

Returns the version of the MySQL protocol used
public getProtoInfo ( resource | null $link ) : integer
$link resource | null mysql link
리턴 integer version of the MySQL protocol used

moreResults() 공개 메소드

Check if there are any more query results from a multi query
public moreResults ( resource $link ) : boolean
$link resource the connection object
리턴 boolean false

nextResult() 공개 메소드

Prepare next result from multi_query
public nextResult ( resource $link ) : boolean
$link resource the connection object
리턴 boolean false

numFields() 공개 메소드

return number of fields in given $result
public numFields ( resource $result ) : integer
$result resource MySQL result
리턴 integer field count

numRows() 공개 메소드

returns the number of rows returned by last query
public numRows ( resource $result ) : string | integer
$result resource MySQL result
리턴 string | integer

realMultiQuery() 공개 메소드

Run the multi query and output the results
public realMultiQuery ( mysqli $link, string $query ) : boolean
$link mysqli mysqli object
$query string multi query statement to execute
리턴 boolean false always false since mysql extension not support for multi query executions

realQuery() 공개 메소드

runs a query and returns the result
public realQuery ( string $query, resource | null $link, integer $options ) : mixed
$query string query to run
$link resource | null mysql link resource
$options integer query options
리턴 mixed

selectDb() 공개 메소드

selects given database
public selectDb ( string $dbname, resource | null $link ) : boolean
$dbname string name of db to select
$link resource | null mysql link resource
리턴 boolean

storeResult() 공개 메소드

Store the result returned from multi query
public storeResult ( resource $result ) : false
$result resource MySQL result
리턴 false