PHP 클래스 Prado\Data\SqlMap\Configuration\TResultMap
A TResultMap lets you control how data is extracted from the result of a
query, and how the columns are mapped to object properties. A TResultMap
can describe the column type, a null value replacement, and complex property
mappings including Collections.
can contain any number of property mappings that map object
properties to the columns of a result element. The property mappings are
applied, and the columns are read, in the order that they are defined.
Maintaining the element order ensures consistent results between different
drivers and providers.
The {@link Class setClass()} property must be a PHP class object or array instance.
The optional {@link Extends setExtends()} attribute can be set to the ID of
another upon which to base this . All properties of the
"parent" will be included as part of this , and values
from the "parent" are set before any values specified by this .
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1 사용 예제들
공개 메소드들
메소드 상세
Initialize the columns collection.
공개 메소드
Add a TResultProperty to result mapping.
공개 메소드
Create a new instance of the class of this result map.
public getColumns ( ) : TMap |
리턴 |
Prado\Collections\TMap |
result columns. |
공개 메소드
public getDiscriminator ( ) : TDiscriminator |
리턴 |
TDiscriminator |
result class discriminator. |
Result sub-mappings using the discriminiator column.
public resolveSubMap ( $registry, $row ) : TResultMap |
리턴 |
TResultMap |
result sub-map. |
공개 메소드