PHP 클래스 Prado\Web\UI\WebControls\TDataGridItem
A TDataGridItem control represents an item in the {@link TDataGrid} control,
such as heading section, footer section, or a data item.
The index and data value of the item can be accessed via {@link getItemIndex ItemIndex}>
and {@link getDataItem DataItem} properties, respectively. The type of the item
is given by {@link getItemType ItemType} property. Property {@link getDataSourceIndex DataSourceIndex}
gives the index of the item from the bound data source.
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프로젝트 열기: pradosoft/prado
공개 메소드들
메소드 상세
public __construct ( $itemIndex, $dataSourceIndex, $itemType ) |
This method overrides parent's implementation by wrapping event parameter
for OnCommand event with item information.
This property is deprecated since v3.1.0.
공개 메소드
public getItemType ( ) : TListItemType |
리턴 |
TListItemType |
item type. |
This property is deprecated since v3.1.0.