PHP 클래스 Prado\Web\UI\WebControls\TWizardNavigationButtonStyle
TWizardNavigationButtonStyle defines the style applied to a wizard navigation button.
The button type can be specified via {@link setButtonType ButtonType}, which
can be 'Button', 'Image' or 'Link'.
If the button is an image button, {@link setImageUrl ImageUrl} will be
used to load the image for the button.
Otherwise, {@link setButtonText ButtonText} will be displayed as the button caption.
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Applies this style to the specified button
If a style field is set in the new style, the corresponding field
in this style will be overwritten.
If a style field is not set in this style, it will be overwritten by
the new one.
This method overrides the parent implementation by
resetting additional TWizardNavigationButtonStyle specific attributes.