PHP 클래스 ServiceType\Get

상속: extends WsdlToPhp\PackageBase\AbstractSoapClientBase
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: wsdltophp/packagegenerator

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
GetAvailableVersions ( ) : StructType\VersionDesc[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetAvailableVersions
GetBalance ( string $params ) : StructType\CampaignBalanceInfo[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetBalance
GetBannerPhrases ( string $params ) : StructType\BannerPhraseInfo[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetBannerPhrases
GetBannerPhrasesFilter ( StructType\BannerPhrasesFilterRequestInfo $params ) : StructType\BannerPhraseInfo[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetBannerPhrasesFilter
GetBanners ( StructType\GetBannersInfo $params ) : StructType\BannerInfo[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetBanners
GetBannersStat ( StructType\NewReportInfo $params ) : StructType\GetBannersStatResponse | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetBannersStat
GetBannersTags ( StructType\BannersRequestInfo $params ) : StructType\BannerTagsInfo[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetBannersTags
GetCampaignParams ( StructType\CampaignIDInfo $params ) : StructType\CampaignInfo | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetCampaignParams
GetCampaignsList ( string $params ) : StructType\ShortCampaignInfo[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetCampaignsList
GetCampaignsListFilter ( StructType\GetCampaignsInfo $params ) : StructType\ShortCampaignInfo[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetCampaignsListFilter
GetCampaignsParams ( StructType\CampaignIDSInfo $params ) : StructType\CampaignInfo[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetCampaignsParams
GetCampaignsTags ( StructType\CampaignIDSInfo $params ) : StructType\CampaignTagsInfo[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetCampaignsTags
GetChanges ( StructType\GetChangesRequest $params ) : StructType\GetChangesResponse | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetChanges
GetClientInfo ( string $params ) : StructType\ClientInfo[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetClientInfo
GetClientsList ( StructType\ClientInfoRequest $params ) : StructType\ClientInfo[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetClientsList
GetClientsUnits ( string $params ) : StructType\ClientsUnitInfo[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetClientsUnits
GetCreditLimits ( ) : StructType\CreditLimitsInfo | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetCreditLimits
GetEventsLog ( StructType\GetEventsLogRequest $params ) : StructType\EventsLogItem[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetEventsLog
GetForecast ( string $params ) : StructType\GetForecastInfo | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetForecast
GetForecastList ( ) : StructType\ForecastStatusInfo[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetForecastList
GetKeywordsSuggestion ( StructType\KeywordsSuggestionInfo $params ) : string[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetKeywordsSuggestion
GetOfflineReportList ( ) : StructType\OfflineReportInfo[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetOfflineReportList
GetRegions ( ) : StructType\RegionInfo[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetRegions
GetReportList ( ) : StructType\ReportInfo[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetReportList
GetRetargetingGoals ( StructType\GetRetargetingGoalsRequest $params ) : StructType\RetargetingGoal[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetRetargetingGoals
GetRubrics ( ) : StructType\RubricInfo[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetRubrics
GetStatGoals ( StructType\StatGoalsCampaignIDInfo $params ) : StructType\StatGoalInfo[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetStatGoals
GetSubClients ( StructType\GetSubClientsRequest $params ) : StructType\ShortClientInfo[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetSubClients
GetSummaryStat ( StructType\GetSummaryStatRequest $params ) : StructType\StatItem[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetSummaryStat
GetTimeZones ( ) : StructType\TimeZoneInfo[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetTimeZones
GetVersion ( ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetVersion
GetWordstatReport ( string $params ) : StructType\WordstatReportInfo[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetWordstatReport
GetWordstatReportList ( ) : StructType\WordstatReportStatusInfo[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetWordstatReportList
__toString ( ) : string Method returning the class name
getResult ( ) : integer | string[] | StructType\BannerInfo[] | StructType\BannerPhraseInfo[] | StructType\BannerTagsInfo[] | StructType\CampaignBalanceInfo[] | StructType\CampaignInfo | StructType\CampaignInfo[] | StructType\CampaignTagsInfo[] | StructType\ClientInfo[] | StructType\ClientsUnitInfo[] | StructType\CreditLimitsInfo | StructType\EventsLogItem[] | StructType\ForecastStatusInfo[] | StructType\GetBannersStatResponse | StructType\GetChangesResponse | StructType\GetForecastInfo | StructType\OfflineReportInfo[] | StructType\RegionInfo[] | StructType\ReportInfo[] | StructType\RetargetingGoal[] | StructType\RubricInfo[] | StructType\ShortCampaignInfo[] | StructType\ShortClientInfo[] | StructType\StatGoalInfo[] | StructType\StatItem[] | StructType\TimeZoneInfo[] | StructType\VersionDesc[] | StructType\WordstatReportInfo[] | StructType\WordstatReportStatusInfo[] Returns the result

메소드 상세

GetAvailableVersions() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetAvailableVersions
public GetAvailableVersions ( ) : StructType\VersionDesc[] | boolean
리턴 StructType\VersionDesc[] | boolean

GetBalance() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetBalance
public GetBalance ( string $params ) : StructType\CampaignBalanceInfo[] | boolean
$params string
리턴 StructType\CampaignBalanceInfo[] | boolean

GetBannerPhrases() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetBannerPhrases
public GetBannerPhrases ( string $params ) : StructType\BannerPhraseInfo[] | boolean
$params string
리턴 StructType\BannerPhraseInfo[] | boolean

GetBannerPhrasesFilter() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetBannerPhrasesFilter
public GetBannerPhrasesFilter ( StructType\BannerPhrasesFilterRequestInfo $params ) : StructType\BannerPhraseInfo[] | boolean
$params StructType\BannerPhrasesFilterRequestInfo
리턴 StructType\BannerPhraseInfo[] | boolean

GetBanners() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetBanners
public GetBanners ( StructType\GetBannersInfo $params ) : StructType\BannerInfo[] | boolean
$params StructType\GetBannersInfo
리턴 StructType\BannerInfo[] | boolean

GetBannersStat() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetBannersStat
public GetBannersStat ( StructType\NewReportInfo $params ) : StructType\GetBannersStatResponse | boolean
$params StructType\NewReportInfo
리턴 StructType\GetBannersStatResponse | boolean

GetBannersTags() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetBannersTags
public GetBannersTags ( StructType\BannersRequestInfo $params ) : StructType\BannerTagsInfo[] | boolean
$params StructType\BannersRequestInfo
리턴 StructType\BannerTagsInfo[] | boolean

GetCampaignParams() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetCampaignParams
public GetCampaignParams ( StructType\CampaignIDInfo $params ) : StructType\CampaignInfo | boolean
$params StructType\CampaignIDInfo
리턴 StructType\CampaignInfo | boolean

GetCampaignsList() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetCampaignsList
public GetCampaignsList ( string $params ) : StructType\ShortCampaignInfo[] | boolean
$params string
리턴 StructType\ShortCampaignInfo[] | boolean

GetCampaignsListFilter() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetCampaignsListFilter
public GetCampaignsListFilter ( StructType\GetCampaignsInfo $params ) : StructType\ShortCampaignInfo[] | boolean
$params StructType\GetCampaignsInfo
리턴 StructType\ShortCampaignInfo[] | boolean

GetCampaignsParams() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetCampaignsParams
public GetCampaignsParams ( StructType\CampaignIDSInfo $params ) : StructType\CampaignInfo[] | boolean
$params StructType\CampaignIDSInfo
리턴 StructType\CampaignInfo[] | boolean

GetCampaignsTags() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetCampaignsTags
public GetCampaignsTags ( StructType\CampaignIDSInfo $params ) : StructType\CampaignTagsInfo[] | boolean
$params StructType\CampaignIDSInfo
리턴 StructType\CampaignTagsInfo[] | boolean

GetChanges() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetChanges
public GetChanges ( StructType\GetChangesRequest $params ) : StructType\GetChangesResponse | boolean
$params StructType\GetChangesRequest
리턴 StructType\GetChangesResponse | boolean

GetClientInfo() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetClientInfo
public GetClientInfo ( string $params ) : StructType\ClientInfo[] | boolean
$params string
리턴 StructType\ClientInfo[] | boolean

GetClientsList() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetClientsList
public GetClientsList ( StructType\ClientInfoRequest $params ) : StructType\ClientInfo[] | boolean
$params StructType\ClientInfoRequest
리턴 StructType\ClientInfo[] | boolean

GetClientsUnits() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetClientsUnits
public GetClientsUnits ( string $params ) : StructType\ClientsUnitInfo[] | boolean
$params string
리턴 StructType\ClientsUnitInfo[] | boolean

GetCreditLimits() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetCreditLimits
public GetCreditLimits ( ) : StructType\CreditLimitsInfo | boolean
리턴 StructType\CreditLimitsInfo | boolean

GetEventsLog() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetEventsLog
public GetEventsLog ( StructType\GetEventsLogRequest $params ) : StructType\EventsLogItem[] | boolean
$params StructType\GetEventsLogRequest
리턴 StructType\EventsLogItem[] | boolean

GetForecast() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetForecast
public GetForecast ( string $params ) : StructType\GetForecastInfo | boolean
$params string
리턴 StructType\GetForecastInfo | boolean

GetForecastList() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetForecastList
public GetForecastList ( ) : StructType\ForecastStatusInfo[] | boolean
리턴 StructType\ForecastStatusInfo[] | boolean

GetKeywordsSuggestion() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetKeywordsSuggestion
public GetKeywordsSuggestion ( StructType\KeywordsSuggestionInfo $params ) : string[] | boolean
$params StructType\KeywordsSuggestionInfo
리턴 string[] | boolean

GetOfflineReportList() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetOfflineReportList
public GetOfflineReportList ( ) : StructType\OfflineReportInfo[] | boolean
리턴 StructType\OfflineReportInfo[] | boolean

GetRegions() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetRegions
public GetRegions ( ) : StructType\RegionInfo[] | boolean
리턴 StructType\RegionInfo[] | boolean

GetReportList() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetReportList
public GetReportList ( ) : StructType\ReportInfo[] | boolean
리턴 StructType\ReportInfo[] | boolean

GetRetargetingGoals() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetRetargetingGoals
public GetRetargetingGoals ( StructType\GetRetargetingGoalsRequest $params ) : StructType\RetargetingGoal[] | boolean
$params StructType\GetRetargetingGoalsRequest
리턴 StructType\RetargetingGoal[] | boolean

GetRubrics() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetRubrics
public GetRubrics ( ) : StructType\RubricInfo[] | boolean
리턴 StructType\RubricInfo[] | boolean

GetStatGoals() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetStatGoals
public GetStatGoals ( StructType\StatGoalsCampaignIDInfo $params ) : StructType\StatGoalInfo[] | boolean
$params StructType\StatGoalsCampaignIDInfo
리턴 StructType\StatGoalInfo[] | boolean

GetSubClients() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetSubClients
public GetSubClients ( StructType\GetSubClientsRequest $params ) : StructType\ShortClientInfo[] | boolean
$params StructType\GetSubClientsRequest
리턴 StructType\ShortClientInfo[] | boolean

GetSummaryStat() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetSummaryStat
public GetSummaryStat ( StructType\GetSummaryStatRequest $params ) : StructType\StatItem[] | boolean
$params StructType\GetSummaryStatRequest
리턴 StructType\StatItem[] | boolean

GetTimeZones() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetTimeZones
public GetTimeZones ( ) : StructType\TimeZoneInfo[] | boolean
리턴 StructType\TimeZoneInfo[] | boolean

GetVersion() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetVersion
public GetVersion ( ) : integer | boolean
리턴 integer | boolean

GetWordstatReport() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetWordstatReport
public GetWordstatReport ( string $params ) : StructType\WordstatReportInfo[] | boolean
$params string
리턴 StructType\WordstatReportInfo[] | boolean

GetWordstatReportList() 공개 메소드

Method to call the operation originally named GetWordstatReportList
public GetWordstatReportList ( ) : StructType\WordstatReportStatusInfo[] | boolean
리턴 StructType\WordstatReportStatusInfo[] | boolean

__toString() 공개 메소드

Method returning the class name
public __toString ( ) : string
리턴 string __CLASS__

getResult() 공개 메소드

Returns the result
또한 보기: AbstractSoapClientBase::getResult()
public getResult ( ) : integer | string[] | StructType\BannerInfo[] | StructType\BannerPhraseInfo[] | StructType\BannerTagsInfo[] | StructType\CampaignBalanceInfo[] | StructType\CampaignInfo | StructType\CampaignInfo[] | StructType\CampaignTagsInfo[] | StructType\ClientInfo[] | StructType\ClientsUnitInfo[] | StructType\CreditLimitsInfo | StructType\EventsLogItem[] | StructType\ForecastStatusInfo[] | StructType\GetBannersStatResponse | StructType\GetChangesResponse | StructType\GetForecastInfo | StructType\OfflineReportInfo[] | StructType\RegionInfo[] | StructType\ReportInfo[] | StructType\RetargetingGoal[] | StructType\RubricInfo[] | StructType\ShortCampaignInfo[] | StructType\ShortClientInfo[] | StructType\StatGoalInfo[] | StructType\StatItem[] | StructType\TimeZoneInfo[] | StructType\VersionDesc[] | StructType\WordstatReportInfo[] | StructType\WordstatReportStatusInfo[]
리턴 integer | string[] | StructType\BannerInfo[] | StructType\BannerPhraseInfo[] | StructType\BannerTagsInfo[] | StructType\CampaignBalanceInfo[] | StructType\CampaignInfo | StructType\CampaignInfo[] | StructType\CampaignTagsInfo[] | StructType\ClientInfo[] | StructType\ClientsUnitInfo[] | StructType\CreditLimitsInfo | StructType\EventsLogItem[] | StructType\ForecastStatusInfo[] | StructType\GetBannersStatResponse | StructType\GetChangesResponse | StructType\GetForecastInfo | StructType\OfflineReportInfo[] | StructType\RegionInfo[] | StructType\ReportInfo[] | StructType\RetargetingGoal[] | StructType\RubricInfo[] | StructType\ShortCampaignInfo[] | StructType\ShortClientInfo[] | StructType\StatGoalInfo[] | StructType\StatItem[] | StructType\TimeZoneInfo[] | StructType\VersionDesc[] | StructType\WordstatReportInfo[] | StructType\WordstatReportStatusInfo[]