PHP 클래스 Smile\ElasticsuiteThesaurus\Model\Indexer\IndexHandler

저자: Aurelien FOUCRET ([email protected])
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: smile-sa/elasticsuite 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
__construct ( Smile\ElasticsuiteCore\Api\Client\ClientFactoryInterface $clientFactory, Smile\ElasticsuiteCore\Api\Index\IndexOperationInterface $indexManager, IndexSettings $indexSettingsHelper, Cache $cacheHelper ) Constructor.
reindex ( integer $storeId, string[] $synonyms, string[] $expansions ) : void Create the synonyms index for a store id.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
addAnalyzerSettings ( array $settings, string $type, string[] $values ) : array Append an analyzer for a thesaurus to existing settings.
getIndexSettings ( string[] $synonyms, string[] $expansions ) : array Returns index settings.
prepareSynonymFilterData ( string[] $rows ) : string[] Prepare the thesaurus data to be saved.

메소드 상세

__construct() 공개 메소드

public __construct ( Smile\ElasticsuiteCore\Api\Client\ClientFactoryInterface $clientFactory, Smile\ElasticsuiteCore\Api\Index\IndexOperationInterface $indexManager, IndexSettings $indexSettingsHelper, Cache $cacheHelper )
$clientFactory Smile\ElasticsuiteCore\Api\Client\ClientFactoryInterface ES Client factory.
$indexManager Smile\ElasticsuiteCore\Api\Index\IndexOperationInterface ES index management tool
$indexSettingsHelper Smile\ElasticsuiteCore\Helper\IndexSettings Index settings helper.
$cacheHelper Smile\ElasticsuiteCore\Helper\Cache ES caching helper.

reindex() 공개 메소드

Create the synonyms index for a store id.
public reindex ( integer $storeId, string[] $synonyms, string[] $expansions ) : void
$storeId integer Store id.
$synonyms string[] Raw synonyms list.
$expansions string[] Raw expansions list.
리턴 void