PHP 클래스 Swiftriver\EventHandlers\TagClusteringEventHandler

저자: mg[at]swiftly[dot]org
상속: implements Swiftriver\Core\EventDistribution\IEventHandler
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: ushahidi/Swiftriver-2011

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
Description ( ) : string This method should return a description describing what exactly it is that your Event Handler does
HandleEvent ( GenericEvent $event, CoreConfigurationHandler $configuration, Log $logger ) : GenericEvent Given a GenericEvent object, this method should do something amazing with the data contained in the event arguments.
Name ( ) : string This method should return the name of the event handler that you implement. This name should be unique across all event handlers and should be no more that 50 chars long
ReturnEventNamesToHandle ( ) : string[] This method should return the names of the events that your EventHandler wishes to subscribe to. All the strings returned should be accessed throught the \Swiftriver\Core\EventDistribution\EventEnumeration static enumerator by calling EventEnumeration::[event]
ReturnRequiredParameters ( ) : ConfigurationElement[] This method returns an array of the required paramters that are nessesary to configure this event handler.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
IdsToString ( $ids )
ScoreBySourceTypeForAccurateContentSql ( $sourceType, $contentIds )
ScoreBySourceTypeSql ( $sourceType, $contentIds )
ScoreForAccurateContentSql ( $contentIds )
ScoreSql ( $contentIds )

메소드 상세

Description() 공개 메소드

This method should return a description describing what exactly it is that your Event Handler does
public Description ( ) : string
리턴 string

HandleEvent() 공개 메소드

Given a GenericEvent object, this method should do something amazing with the data contained in the event arguments.
public HandleEvent ( GenericEvent $event, CoreConfigurationHandler $configuration, Log $logger ) : GenericEvent
$event GenericEvent
$configuration Swiftriver\Core\Configuration\ConfigurationHandlers\CoreConfigurationHandler
$logger Log
리턴 GenericEvent $event

Name() 공개 메소드

This method should return the name of the event handler that you implement. This name should be unique across all event handlers and should be no more that 50 chars long
public Name ( ) : string
리턴 string

ReturnEventNamesToHandle() 공개 메소드

This method should return the names of the events that your EventHandler wishes to subscribe to. All the strings returned should be accessed throught the \Swiftriver\Core\EventDistribution\EventEnumeration static enumerator by calling EventEnumeration::[event]
public ReturnEventNamesToHandle ( ) : string[]
리턴 string[]

ReturnRequiredParameters() 공개 메소드

This method returns an array of the required paramters that are nessesary to configure this event handler.
public ReturnRequiredParameters ( ) : ConfigurationElement[]
리턴 Swiftriver\Core\ObjectModel\ConfigurationElement[]