PHP 클래스 WordPress\ORM\Admin\AdminHelper

저자: Brandon Wamboldt ([email protected])
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: brandonwamboldt/wp-orm

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
pre_list_table_page ( ) Tell WordPress not to load the admin header automatically. We want to load it manually when we're ready, so we can still do redirects and what not.
render_list_table_page ( string $page_title, WordPress\Orm\Admin\ListTable $list_table ) Setup the list table and render the list table page, or call the given action.
setup_list_table_page ( string $slug, callable $callback ) Setup hooks for a new list table page. We'll call $callback, and you should instantiate your list table class and pass it to the render_list_table_page() function along with a page title.

메소드 상세

pre_list_table_page() 공개 정적인 메소드

Tell WordPress not to load the admin header automatically. We want to load it manually when we're ready, so we can still do redirects and what not.
public static pre_list_table_page ( )

render_list_table_page() 공개 정적인 메소드

Setup the list table and render the list table page, or call the given action.
public static render_list_table_page ( string $page_title, WordPress\Orm\Admin\ListTable $list_table )
$page_title string
$list_table WordPress\Orm\Admin\ListTable

setup_list_table_page() 공개 정적인 메소드

Setup hooks for a new list table page. We'll call $callback, and you should instantiate your list table class and pass it to the render_list_table_page() function along with a page title.
public static setup_list_table_page ( string $slug, callable $callback )
$slug string
$callback callable