PHP 인터페이스 Inpsyde\MultilingualPress\Module\CustomPostTypeSupport\PostTypeRepository

부터: 3.0.0
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: inpsyde/multilingual-press 0 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
get_custom_post_types ( )
get_supported_post_types ( ) : string[] Returns the slugs of all currently supported post types.
is_post_type_active_and_query_based ( string $post_type ) : boolean Checks if the given post type is active and set to be query-based.
set_supported_post_types ( array $post_types ) : boolean Sets post type support to the given post types.
unsupport_all_post_types ( ) : boolean Removes the support for all post types.

메소드 상세

get_custom_post_types() 공개 메소드

부터: 3.0.0

get_supported_post_types() 공개 메소드

Returns the slugs of all currently supported post types.
부터: 3.0.0
public get_supported_post_types ( ) : string[]
리턴 string[] The slugs of all currently supported post types.

is_post_type_active_and_query_based() 공개 메소드

Checks if the given post type is active and set to be query-based.
부터: 3.0.0
public is_post_type_active_and_query_based ( string $post_type ) : boolean
$post_type string Post type.
리턴 boolean Whether or not the given post type is active and set to be query-based.

set_supported_post_types() 공개 메소드

Sets post type support to the given post types.
부터: 3.0.0
public set_supported_post_types ( array $post_types ) : boolean
$post_types array Post type slugs.
리턴 boolean Whether the support for all given post types was set successfully.

unsupport_all_post_types() 공개 메소드

Removes the support for all post types.
부터: 3.0.0
public unsupport_all_post_types ( ) : boolean
리턴 boolean Whether the support for all post types was removed successfully.