PHP 인터페이스 PayWithAmazon\HttpCurlInterface

파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: amzn/login-and-pay-with-amazon-sdk-php

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
httpGet ( $url, $userAgent = null ) * GET using curl for the following situations 1. IPN certificate retrieval 3. Get User Info
httpPost ( $url, $userAgent = null, $parameters = null ) * POST using curl for the following situations 1. API calls 2. IPN certificate retrieval 3. Get User Info
setAccessToken ( $accesstoken ) * Setter for Access token to get the user info
setHttpHeader ( ) * Set Http header for Access token for the GetUserInfo call

메소드 상세

httpGet() 공개 메소드

* GET using curl for the following situations 1. IPN certificate retrieval 3. Get User Info
public httpGet ( $url, $userAgent = null )

httpPost() 공개 메소드

* POST using curl for the following situations 1. API calls 2. IPN certificate retrieval 3. Get User Info
public httpPost ( $url, $userAgent = null, $parameters = null )

setAccessToken() 공개 메소드

* Setter for Access token to get the user info
public setAccessToken ( $accesstoken )

setHttpHeader() 공개 메소드

* Set Http header for Access token for the GetUserInfo call
public setHttpHeader ( )