PHP 인터페이스 Storm\Core\Mapping\IEntityRelationalMap

저자: Elliot Levin ([email protected])
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: timetoogo/penumbra 0 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
GetAllMappedPersistColumns ( array $Properties = null ) : Storm\Core\Relational\IColumn[]
GetAllMappedReviveColumns ( array $Properties = null ) : Storm\Core\Relational\IColumn[]
GetCollectionPropertyToManyRelationMappings ( ) : Storm\Core\Mapping\ICollectionPropertyToManyRelationMapping[]
GetCriterion ( ) : Criterion Get the criterion that must be included for every request.
GetDataPropertyColumnMappings ( ) : Storm\Core\Mapping\IDataPropertyColumnMapping[]
GetEntityMap ( ) : Storm\Core\Object\IEntityMap The entity map of represented entity.
GetEntityPropertyToOneRelationMappings ( ) : Storm\Core\Mapping\IEntityPropertyToOneRelationMapping[]
GetEntityType ( ) : string The type of entity that this relational map is representing.
GetIdentityPropertyPrimaryKeyMappings ( ) : Storm\Core\Mapping\IDataPropertyColumnMapping[]
GetMappedPersistColumns ( Storm\Core\Object\IProperty $Property ) : Storm\Core\Relational\IColumn[]
GetMappedPersistTables ( ) : Storm\Core\Relational\ITable[] The tables that are mapped to for persistence.
GetMappedProperties ( ) : Storm\Core\Object\IProperties[] The properties that mapped.
GetMappedReviveColumns ( Storm\Core\Object\IProperty $Property ) : Storm\Core\Relational\IColumn[]
GetMappedReviveTables ( ) : Storm\Core\Relational\ITable[] The tables that are mapped from for revival.
GetPrimaryKeyTable ( ) : Storm\Core\Relational\ITable The table in which the identity is stored.
GetPropertyMappings ( ) : Storm\Core\Mapping\IPropertyMapping[]
Initialize ( DomainDatabaseMap $DomainDatabaseMap ) : void Intialize the property mapping in the context of the parent domain database map.
MapIdentitiesToPrimaryKeys ( array $Identities ) : PrimaryKey[] Maps an array of identities to the equivalent primary keys.
MapIdentityToPrimaryKey ( Identity $Identity ) : PrimaryKey Maps an identity to the equivalent primary key.
MapPrimaryKeyToIdentity ( PrimaryKey $PrimaryKey ) : Identity Map a primary key to the equivalent identity.
MapPrimaryKeysToIdentities ( array $PrimaryKeys ) : Identity[] Maps an array of primary keysto the equivalent identities.
ResultRow ( array $ColumnData = [] ) : ResultRow Instantiate a new result row for the given column data.

메소드 상세

GetAllMappedPersistColumns() 공개 메소드

public GetAllMappedPersistColumns ( array $Properties = null ) : Storm\Core\Relational\IColumn[]
$Properties array The mapped properties
리턴 Storm\Core\Relational\IColumn[]

GetAllMappedReviveColumns() 공개 메소드

public GetAllMappedReviveColumns ( array $Properties = null ) : Storm\Core\Relational\IColumn[]
$Properties array The mapped properties
리턴 Storm\Core\Relational\IColumn[]

GetCollectionPropertyToManyRelationMappings() 공개 메소드

public GetCollectionPropertyToManyRelationMappings ( ) : Storm\Core\Mapping\ICollectionPropertyToManyRelationMapping[]
리턴 Storm\Core\Mapping\ICollectionPropertyToManyRelationMapping[]

GetCriterion() 공개 메소드

Get the criterion that must be included for every request.
public GetCriterion ( ) : Criterion
리턴 Storm\Core\Relational\Criterion

GetDataPropertyColumnMappings() 공개 메소드

public GetDataPropertyColumnMappings ( ) : Storm\Core\Mapping\IDataPropertyColumnMapping[]
리턴 Storm\Core\Mapping\IDataPropertyColumnMapping[]

GetEntityMap() 공개 메소드

The entity map of represented entity.
public GetEntityMap ( ) : Storm\Core\Object\IEntityMap
리턴 Storm\Core\Object\IEntityMap

GetEntityPropertyToOneRelationMappings() 공개 메소드

public GetEntityPropertyToOneRelationMappings ( ) : Storm\Core\Mapping\IEntityPropertyToOneRelationMapping[]
리턴 Storm\Core\Mapping\IEntityPropertyToOneRelationMapping[]

GetEntityType() 공개 메소드

The type of entity that this relational map is representing.
public GetEntityType ( ) : string
리턴 string

GetIdentityPropertyPrimaryKeyMappings() 공개 메소드

public GetIdentityPropertyPrimaryKeyMappings ( ) : Storm\Core\Mapping\IDataPropertyColumnMapping[]
리턴 Storm\Core\Mapping\IDataPropertyColumnMapping[]

GetMappedPersistColumns() 공개 메소드

public GetMappedPersistColumns ( Storm\Core\Object\IProperty $Property ) : Storm\Core\Relational\IColumn[]
$Property Storm\Core\Object\IProperty The mapped property
리턴 Storm\Core\Relational\IColumn[]

GetMappedPersistTables() 공개 메소드

The tables that are mapped to for persistence.
public GetMappedPersistTables ( ) : Storm\Core\Relational\ITable[]
리턴 Storm\Core\Relational\ITable[]

GetMappedProperties() 공개 메소드

The properties that mapped.
public GetMappedProperties ( ) : Storm\Core\Object\IProperties[]
리턴 Storm\Core\Object\IProperties[]

GetMappedReviveColumns() 공개 메소드

public GetMappedReviveColumns ( Storm\Core\Object\IProperty $Property ) : Storm\Core\Relational\IColumn[]
$Property Storm\Core\Object\IProperty The mapped property
리턴 Storm\Core\Relational\IColumn[]

GetMappedReviveTables() 공개 메소드

The tables that are mapped from for revival.
public GetMappedReviveTables ( ) : Storm\Core\Relational\ITable[]
리턴 Storm\Core\Relational\ITable[]

GetPrimaryKeyTable() 공개 메소드

The table in which the identity is stored.
public GetPrimaryKeyTable ( ) : Storm\Core\Relational\ITable
리턴 Storm\Core\Relational\ITable

GetPropertyMappings() 공개 메소드

public GetPropertyMappings ( ) : Storm\Core\Mapping\IPropertyMapping[]
리턴 Storm\Core\Mapping\IPropertyMapping[]

Initialize() 공개 메소드

Intialize the property mapping in the context of the parent domain database map.
public Initialize ( DomainDatabaseMap $DomainDatabaseMap ) : void
$DomainDatabaseMap DomainDatabaseMap The parent domain database map
리턴 void

MapIdentitiesToPrimaryKeys() 공개 메소드

NOTE: Keys are preserved
public MapIdentitiesToPrimaryKeys ( array $Identities ) : PrimaryKey[]
$Identities array
리턴 Storm\Core\Relational\PrimaryKey[] The mapped primary keys

MapIdentityToPrimaryKey() 공개 메소드

Maps an identity to the equivalent primary key.
public MapIdentityToPrimaryKey ( Identity $Identity ) : PrimaryKey
$Identity Storm\Core\Object\Identity The identity to map
리턴 Storm\Core\Relational\PrimaryKey The mapped primary key

MapPrimaryKeyToIdentity() 공개 메소드

Map a primary key to the equivalent identity.
public MapPrimaryKeyToIdentity ( PrimaryKey $PrimaryKey ) : Identity
$PrimaryKey Storm\Core\Relational\PrimaryKey
리턴 Storm\Core\Object\Identity $Identity The mapped identity

MapPrimaryKeysToIdentities() 공개 메소드

NOTE: Keys are preserved
public MapPrimaryKeysToIdentities ( array $PrimaryKeys ) : Identity[]
$PrimaryKeys array
리턴 Storm\Core\Object\Identity[] $Identity The mapped identities

ResultRow() 공개 메소드

Instantiate a new result row for the given column data.
public ResultRow ( array $ColumnData = [] ) : ResultRow
$ColumnData array the column data
리턴 Storm\Core\Relational\ResultRow