PHP 인터페이스 Webiny\Component\Crypt\Bridge\CryptInterface

파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: Webiny/Framework 0 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
__construct ( string $passwordAlgo, string $cipherMode, string $cipherBlock ) Base constructor
createPasswordHash ( string $password ) : string Creates a hash from the given $password string.
decrypt ( string $string, string $key ) : string Decrypt a string that has been encrypted with the 'encrypt' method.
encrypt ( string $string, string $key ) : string Encrypt the given $string using a cypher and the secret $key
generateHardReadableString ( integer $length ) : string Generates a random string with a lot of 'noise' (special characters).
generateRandomInt ( integer $min, integer $max ) : integer Generates a random integer between the given $min and $max values.
generateRandomString ( integer $length, string $chars = '' ) : string Generates a random string using the defined character set.
generateUserReadableString ( integer $length ) : string Generates a random string, but without using special characters that are hard to read.
verifyPasswordHash ( string $password, string $hash ) : boolean Verify if the given $hash matches the given $password.

메소드 상세

__construct() 공개 메소드

Base constructor
public __construct ( string $passwordAlgo, string $cipherMode, string $cipherBlock )
$passwordAlgo string Password hashing algorithm.
$cipherMode string Cipher mode.
$cipherBlock string Cipher block size.

createPasswordHash() 공개 메소드

The hashing algorithm used depends on your config.
public createPasswordHash ( string $password ) : string
$password string String you wish to hash.
리턴 string Hash of the given string.

decrypt() 공개 메소드

In order to decrypt the string correctly, you must provide the same secret key that was used for the encryption process.
public decrypt ( string $string, string $key ) : string
$string string The string you want to decrypt.
$key string The secret key that was used to encrypt the $string.
리턴 string Decrypted string.

encrypt() 공개 메소드

Encrypt the given $string using a cypher and the secret $key
public encrypt ( string $string, string $key ) : string
$string string The string you want to encrypt.
$key string The secret key that will be used to encrypt the string.
리턴 string Encrypted string.

generateHardReadableString() 공개 메소드

Use this method to generate API keys, salts and similar.
public generateHardReadableString ( integer $length ) : string
$length integer Length of the random string.
리턴 string Random string with the given $length.

generateRandomInt() 공개 메소드

Generates a random integer between the given $min and $max values.
public generateRandomInt ( integer $min, integer $max ) : integer
$min integer Lower limit.
$max integer Upper limit
리턴 integer Random number between $min and $max.

generateRandomString() 공개 메소드

If $chars param is empty, the string will be generated using numbers, letters and special characters.
public generateRandomString ( integer $length, string $chars = '' ) : string
$length integer Length of the generated string.
$chars string A string containing a list of chars that will be uses for generating the random string.
리턴 string Random string with the given $length containing only the provided set of $chars.

generateUserReadableString() 공개 메소드

This method is ok to use for generating random user passwords. (which, of course, should be changed after first login).
public generateUserReadableString ( integer $length ) : string
$length integer Length of the random string.
리턴 string Random string with the given $length.

verifyPasswordHash() 공개 메소드

Verify if the given $hash matches the given $password.
public verifyPasswordHash ( string $password, string $hash ) : boolean
$password string Original, un-hashed, password.
$hash string Hash string to which the check should be made
리턴 boolean True if $password matches the $hash, otherwise false is returned.