PHP Basho\Tests 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
BucketOperationsTest Class BucketOperationsTest
EncodedDataTest Scenario tests for when storing / retrieving binary data
HllOperationsTest Functional tests related to Hll CRDTs
InternalServerErrorTest Scenario tests for when an internal server error occurs
NodeUnreachableTest Scenario tests for when Nodes become unreachable
ObjectOperationsTest Functional tests related to Key-Value objects
PreflistTest Class PreflistTest
SearchOperationsTest Functional tests related to Counter CRDTs
SecondaryIndexOperationsTest Functional tests related to secondary indexes
SecurityFeaturesTest Functional tests verifying TSL features
TestCase Main class for testing Riak clustering
TimeSeriesOperationsTest Functional tests related to TimeSeries operations


이름 설명
TimeSeriesTrait Helps with reusability for timeseries commands