PHP Contao 네임스페이스

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이름 설명
Ajax Class Ajax
ArticleModel Reads and writes articles
Automator Provide methods to run automated jobs.
Backend Class Backend
BackendAlerts Back end alerts wizard.
BackendConfirm Confirm an invalid token URL.
BackendFile Back end file picker.
BackendHelp Back end help wizard.
BackendIndex Handle back end logins and logouts.
BackendMain Main back end controller.
BackendModule Class BackendModule
BackendPage Back end page picker.
BackendPassword Back end help wizard.
BackendPopup Pop-up file preview (file manager).
BackendPreview Set up the front end preview frames.
BackendSwitch Switch accounts in the front end preview.
BackendTemplate Provide methods to handle back end templates.
BackendUser Provide methods to manage back end users.
Cache A static class to store non-persistent data
CheckBox Provide methods to handle check boxes.
CheckBoxWizard Provide methods to handle sortable checkboxes.
ChmodTable Provide methods to handle CHMOD tables.
ClassLoader Automatically loads class files based on a mapper array
Combiner Combines .css or .js files into one single file
Config Loads and writes the local configuration file
ContentAccordion Front end content element "accordion".
ContentAccordionStart Front end content element "accordion" (wrapper start).
ContentAccordionStop Front end content element "accordion" (wrapper stop).
ContentAlias Front end content element "alias".
ContentCode Front end content element "code".
ContentDownload Front end content element "download".
ContentDownloads Class ContentDownloads
ContentElement Parent class for content elements.
ContentGallery Class ContentGallery
ContentImage Front end content element "image".
ContentList Front end content element "list".
ContentMarkdown Front end content element "code".
ContentMedia Content element "mediaelement".
ContentModel Reads and writes content elements
ContentModule Front end content element "module".
ContentSliderStart Front end content element "slider" (wrapper start).
ContentSliderStop Front end content element "slider" (wrapper stop).
ContentTable Front end content element "table".
ContentTeaser Front end content element "teaser".
ContentText Front end content element "text".
ContentToplink Front end content element "toplink".
ContentVimeo Content element "Vimeo".
ContentYouTube Content element "YouTube".
Controller Abstract parent class for Controllers
DC_File Provide methods to edit the local configuration file.
DC_Folder Provide methods to modify the file system.
DC_Table Provide methods to modify the database.
DataContainer Class DataContainer
Database Handle the database communication
Date Converts dates and date format string
Dbafs Handles the database assisted file system (DBAFS)
DcaExtractor Extracts DCA information and cache it
DcaLoader Loads a set of DCA files
DropZone Provide methods to handle file uploads in the back end.
Email A SwiftMailer adapter class
Encryption Encrypts and decrypts data
Environment Reads the environment variables
Feed Creates RSS or Atom feeds
FeedItem Creates items to be appended to RSS or Atom feeds
FileSelector Class FileSelector
FileTree Provide methods to handle input field "file tree".
FileUpload Provide methods to handle file uploads in the back end.
Files A wrapper class for accessing the file system
FilesModel Reads and writes file entries
Folder Creates, reads, writes and deletes folders
Form Class Form
FormCaptcha Class FormCaptcha
FormCheckBox Class FormCheckBox
FormExplanation Class FormExplanation
FormFieldModel Reads and writes form fields
FormFieldset Class FormFieldset
FormFileUpload Class FormFileUpload
FormHidden Class FormHidden
FormModel Reads and writes forms
FormPassword Class FormPassword
FormRadioButton Class FormRadioButton
FormSelectMenu Class FormSelectMenu
FormSubmit Class FormSubmit
FormTextArea Class FormTextArea
FormTextField Class FormTextField
Frontend Class Frontend
FrontendCron Command scheduler controller.
FrontendIndex Main front end controller.
FrontendShare Share a page via a social network.
FrontendTemplate Class FrontendTemplate
FrontendUser Provide methods to manage front end users.
GdImage GD image class
Hybrid Parent class for objects that can be modules or content elements.
Idna An idna_encode adapter class
Image Resizes images
ImageSize Provide methods to handle image size fields.
ImageSizeItemModel Reads and writes image size items
ImageSizeModel Reads and writes image sizes
Input Safely read the user input
InputUnit Class InputUnit
InsertTags A static class to replace insert tags
KeyValueWizard Provide methods to handle key value pairs.
LayoutModel Reads and writes page layouts
ListWizard Provide methods to handle list items.
Maintenance Maintenance module "maintenance mode".
MemberGroupModel Reads and writes member groups
MemberModel Reads and writes members
Message Stores and outputs messages
Messages Class Messages
MetaWizard Provide methods to handle file meta information.
Model Reads objects from and writes them to to the database
Module Class Module
ModuleArticle Class ModuleArticle
ModuleArticleList Front end module "article list".
ModuleArticlenav Front end module "article list".
ModuleBooknav Class ModuleBooknav
ModuleBreadcrumb Front end module "breadcrumb".
ModuleChangePassword Front end module "change password".
ModuleCloseAccount Front end module "close account".
ModuleCustomnav Front end module "custom navigation".
ModuleFlash Front end module "flash".
ModuleLoader Loads modules based on their autoload.ini configuration
ModuleLogin Front end module "login".
ModuleLogout Front end module "logout".
ModuleMaintenance Back end module "maintenance".
ModuleModel Reads and writes front end modules
ModuleNavigation Front end module "navigation".
ModulePassword Class ModulePassword
ModulePersonalData Front end module "personal data".
ModuleQuicklink Front end module "quick link".
ModuleQuicknav Class ModuleQuicknav
ModuleRandomImage Front end module "random image".
ModuleRegistration Front end module "registration".
ModuleRssReader Front end module "rss reader".
ModuleSearch Front end module "search".
ModuleSitemap Front end module "sitemap".
ModuleUser Back end module "edit account".
ModuleWizard Provide methods to handle modules of a page layout.
OptionWizard Provide methods to handle form field options.
PageError403 Provide methods to handle an error 403 page.
PageError404 Provide methods to handle an error 404 page.
PageForward Class PageForward
PageLogout Provide methods to handle a logout page.
PageModel Reads and writes pages
PageRedirect Provide methods to handle a redirect page.
PageRegular Provide methods to handle a regular front end page.
PageRoot Provide methods to handle a website root page.
PageSelector Class PageSelector
PageTree Class PageTree
Pagination Provide methodes to render a pagination menu.
Password Class Password
Picture Resizes images and creates picture data
PurgeData Maintenance module "purge data".
RadioButton Class RadioButton
RadioTable Provide methods to handle radio button tables.
RebuildIndex Maintenance module "rebuild index".
RequestToken Generates and validates request tokens
Search Creates and queries the search index
SectionWizard Provide methods to handle sections of a page layout.
SelectMenu Provide methods to handle select menus.
Session Handles reading and updating the session data
SessionModel Reads and writes sessions
SqlFileParser Parses a database.sql file.
String Provides string manipulation methods
StringUtil Provides string manipulation methods
StyleModel Reads and writes format definitions
StyleSheetModel Reads and writes style sheets
StyleSheets Class StyleSheets
System Abstract library base class
TableWizard Class TableWizard
Template Parses and outputs template files
TemplateLoader Automatically loads template files based on a mapper array
TextArea Class TextArea
TextField Class TextField
Theme Class Theme
ThemeModel Reads and writes themes
TimePeriod Provide methods to handle text fields with interval drop down menu.
TrblField Class TrblField
Upload Class Upload
User Authenticates and initializes user objects
UserGroupModel Reads and writes user groups
UserModel Reads and writes users
Validator Validates arbitrary data
Versions Provide methods to handle versioning.
Widget Generates and validates form fields
ZipReader Reads .zip files and unpacks their content
ZipWriter Creates .zip files and stores them on the disk


이름 설명
TemplateInheritance Provides the template inheritance logic