PHP DataSift\Storyplayer\TestEnvironmentsLib 네임스페이스


이름 설명
E4xx_InvalidTestEnvironmentGroupType Exception thrown when a test environment group sets an invalid type
E4xx_TestEnvironmentGroupNeedsAType Exception thrown when a test environment group does not define the 'type' field at all
E4xx_TestEnvironmentGroupNeedsMachines Exception thrown when a test environment group has no machines defined
E4xx_TestEnvironmentMachineNeedsARole Exception thrown when a machine in a test environment group has no roles defined
E4xx_TestEnvironmentMachineRolesMustBeArray Exception thrown when a machine in a test environment group has no roles defined
E4xx_TestEnvironmentNeedsGroups Exception thrown when a test environment group does not define the 'type' field at all
HardCodedTestEnvironments Our list of built-in test environments
TestEnvironmentConfig the class for the config that represents a single test environment