PHP Demo\Aspect 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
AwesomeAspectKernel Awesome Aspect Kernel class
CachingAspect Caching aspect
DeclareErrorAspect This aspect can be very useful for development to generate an error when executing prohibited methods
DynamicMethodsAspect Aspect that intercepts specific magic methods, declared with __call and __callStatic
FluentInterfaceAspect Fluent interface aspect provides an easy way to reuse "chain" interface for classes
FunctionInterceptorAspect Function interceptor can intercept an access to the system functions
HealthyLiveAspect Healthy live aspect
IntroductionAspect Introduction aspect can dynamically add new interfaces and traits to the class
LoggingAspect Logging aspect
PropertyInterceptorAspect Property interceptor can intercept an access to the public and protected properties