PHP Devise\Pages 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
ApiPagesManager Class ApiPagesManager manages the creating of new pages, updating pages
ApiPagesRepository Class ApiPagesRepository is used to retrieve DvsPage models of Function type
ApiPagesResponseHandler Response handler takes care of creating,updating, destroying
PageController All pages registered in dvs_pages database table come through this controller show method. The reason for this is so that the database can be in charge of the routes and a non developer can construct new pages with predefined templates in a dropdown selectbox.
PageManager Class PageManager manages the creating of new pages, updating pages and removing and copying pages.
PageResponseHandler Response handler takes care of creating,updating, destroying and copying pages within the /admin/pages routes
PageVersionManager Class PageVersionManager manages all things page versions related.
PageVersionsRepository Class PageVersionsRepository is used to search and retrieve DvsPageVersion models and things in context of a Devise Page Versions.
PagesRepository Class PagesRepository is used to search and retrieve DvsPage models and things in context of a Devise Page.
PagesServiceProvider Registers the Pages service provider. This allows us to manage our pages within the Devise cms. It also provides the ability to scan blade views and extract out fields and collections which can be loaded in the Devise Sidebar and maintained by the admin.