PHP Frontend\Core\Engine 네임스페이스

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이름 설명
Ajax FrontendAJAX This class will handle AJAX-related stuff
AjaxAction FrontendAJAXAction
Breadcrumb This class will be used to manage the breadcrumb
Footer This class will be used to alter the footer-part of the HTML-document that will be created by the frontend.
Form This is our extended version of SpoonForm.
FormEndNode Twig node for writing out a compiled version of a closing form tag.
FormEndTokenParser Twig token parser for form closing tag.
FormFieldErrorNode Twig note for writing out the compiled version of a form field error.
FormFieldErrorTokenParser Twig token parser for form field errors.
FormFieldNode Twig node for writing out the compiled version of form field.
FormFieldTokenParser Twig token parser for form fields.
FormNode Twig node for writing out the compiled representation of an opeing form tag.
FormState Keeps the state of a form between opening and closing the tag.
FormTokenParser Twig template tag for the start/opening element of a form tag.
Frontend This class defines the frontend, it is the core. Everything starts here.
FrontendFormDate This is our extended version of \SpoonFormDate
FrontendFormImage This is our extended version of \SpoonFormImage
FrontendIcal Frontend Ical class.
FrontendIcalEvent FrontendIcalItem, this is our extended version of SpoonIcalItemEvent
Header This class will be used to alter the head-part of the HTML-document that will be created by the frontend Therefore it will handle meta-stuff (title, including JS, including CSS, .
Language This class will store the language-dependant content for the frontend.
Model In this file we store all generic functions that we will be using in the frontend.
Navigation This class will be used to build the navigation
Page Frontend page class, this class will handle everything on a page
Rss Frontend RSS class.
RssItem FrontendRSSItem, this is our extended version of SpoonRSSItem
SeoFormNode Twig node for writing the SEO form
SeoFormTokenParser Twig token parser for form fields.
TemplateCustom Add all custom stuff here.
TemplateModifiers Contains all Frontend-related custom modifiers
Theme This class will take care of functionality pertaining themes.
TwigTemplate This is a twig template wrapper that glues spoon libraries and code standards with twig
Url This class will handle the incoming URL.
User The class below will handle all stuff relates to users