PHP Go\Core 네임스페이스


이름 설명
AspectContainer Aspect container interface
AspectLoaderExtension Extension interface that defines an API for aspect loaders


이름 설명
AbstractAspectLoaderExtension Abstract aspect loader
AdviceMatcher Advice matcher returns the list of advices for the specific point of code
AspectKernel Abstract aspect kernel is used to prepare an application to work with aspects.
AspectLoader Loader of aspects into the container
CachedAspectLoader Cached loader is responsible for faster initialization of pointcuts/advisors for concrete aspect
Container DI-container
GeneralAspectLoaderExtension General aspect loader add common support for general advices, declared as annotations
GoAspectContainer Aspect container contains list of all pointcuts and advisors
IntroductionAspectExtension Introduction aspect extension
LazyAdvisorAccessor Provides an interface for loading of advisors from the container