PHP izzum\statemachine 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
AbstractFactory This class (or it's subclasses) should be the preferred way to get a statemachine.
Context Context is an object that holds all the contextual information for the statemachine to do it's work with the help of the relevant dependencies.
EntityBuilder EntityBuilder is an object that builds an entity (an application domain specific model) for a Context object so your statemachine can interact with your domain model.
EntityBuilderException helper class. this reference builder builds a stdClss.
EntityBuilderStdClss helper class. this reference builder builds a stdClss.
EntityBuilderTest Tests the public methods of builders.
Exception Exception class.
Identifier an instance of Identifier uniquely identifies the statemachine to be used.
State This class holds the finite state data: - the name of the state - the type of the state (initial/normal/final) - what outgoing transitions this state has (bidirectional association initiated by a Transition) - class names for the entry and exit commands (if any) - callables for entry and exit logic (if any)
StateMachine A statemachine is used to execute transitions from certain states to other states, for an entity that represents a domain object, by applying guard logic to see if a transition is allowed and transition logic to process the transition.
SubClassedStateMachine helper class that implements the 'hook' methods
Transition Transition class An abstraction for everything that is needed to make an allowed and succesful transition between states.