PHP KGzocha\Searcher\Chain 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
CellInterface It represents single cell in the chain. It holds sub-searcher and it's transformer, which will transform results from it's sub-searcher to CriteriaCollection that can be used in next sub-search.
TransformerInterface Only responsibility of services implementing this interface is to transform results and(/or) criteria from previous search to CriteriaCollectionInterface that can be used in next search.


이름 설명
Cell It represents single cell in the chain. It holds sub-searcher and it's transformer, which will transform results from it's sub-searcher to CriteriaCollection that can be used in next sub-search.
ChainSearch This class represents whole chain of searchers, but it behaves like regular searcher.
EndTransformer Use this class to indicate that there is no more searchers in the chain.