PHP Neos\Neos\Service 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
ContentElementEditableService The content element editable service adds the necessary markup around a content element such that it can be edited using the inline editing of the Neos Backend.
ContentElementWrappingService The content element wrapping service adds the necessary markup around a content element such that it can be edited using the Content Module of the Neos Backend.
HtmlAugmenter A tool that can augment HTML for example by adding arbitrary attributes.
ImageVariantGarbageCollector Takes care of cleaning up ImageVariants.
LinkingService A service for creating URIs pointing to nodes and assets.
NodeOperations Centralizes common operations like moving and copying of Nodes with Neos specific additional handling.
NodeTypeSchemaBuilder Renders the Node Type Schema in a format the User Interface understands; additionally pre-calculating node constraints
PluginService Central authority for interactions with plugins.
PublishingService The workspaces service adds some basic helper methods for getting workspaces, unpublished nodes and methods for publishing nodes or whole workspaces.
UserService The user service provides general context information about the currently authenticated backend user.
VieSchemaBuilder Generate a schema in JSON format for the VIE dataTypes validation, necessary when using nodes as semantic types.
XliffService The XLIFF service provides methods to find XLIFF files and parse them to json