PHP Newscoop\Service 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
IArticleTypeService Provides the services for the Publications.
IAuditService Provides audit services for the database entities
IEntityBaseService Provides base generic services for entities.
IEntityService Provides generic services for entities.
IErrorHandler Provides error handling.
IIssueService Provides the services for the Publications.
ILanguageService Provides the services for the themes.
IOutputService Provides the services for the Outputs.
IOutputSettingIssueService Provides the services for the Outputs.
IOutputSettingSectionService Provides the services for the Output Setting.
IPublicationService Provides the services for the Issues.
ISectionService Provides the services for the Publications.
ISyncResourceService Provides the services for the Outputs.
ITemplateSearchService Provides the services for Searching a template.
IThemeManagementService Provides the management services for the themes.
IThemeService Provides the services for the themes.


이름 설명
Template Template service