PHP opensrs\OMA 네임스페이스


이름 설명
AddRole // Add a role to a user.
Authenticate // Authenticate a user's credentials.
ChangeCompany // Change the attributes of an existing company.
ChangeCompanyBulletin // Create, edit or delete a company bulletin.
ChangeDomain // Create a new domain or change the attributes of an existing domain.
ChangeDomainBulletin // Create a new domain or change the attributes of an existing domain.
ChangeUser // Create a new user or change the attributes of an existing user.
CreateWorkgroup // Create a workgroup in a domain
DeleteDomain // Retrieve the settings and other information for a user
DeleteUser // Delete a user. Once a user is deleted this user will no longer be able to receive mail or access the system in any way.
DeleteWorkgroup // Remove a workgroup from a domain
GenerateToken // Generate a temporary login token for a user.
GetCompany // Retrieve settings and other information for a company
GetCompanyBulletin // Retrieve the text of a company bulletin.
GetCompanyChanges // Retrieve a summary of changes to a company
GetDeletedContacts // Retrieves a list of deleted restorable contacts from a user's wembail address book.
GetDeletedMessages // Retrieve a list of recoverable deleted emails belonging to a user
GetDomain // Retrieve settings and other information for a domain
GetDomainBulletin // Create a new domain or change the attributes of an existing domain.
GetDomainChanges // Retrieve a summary of changes to a domain
GetUser // Retrieve the settings and other information for a user
GetUserAttributeHistory // Get historical values for an attribute for a user.
GetUserChanges // Get historical values for an attribute for a user.
GetUserFolders // Get a list of a user's folders and deleted folders.
GetUserMessages // Get a list of user messages in a folder.
LogoutUser // Terminate all IMAP and POP sessions the user has active
MigrationAdd // Create a bulk migration job, to copy email from many remote accounts to many local accounts.
MigrationJobs // Retrieve a list of a user's current and historical migration jobs.
MigrationStatus // Get detailed information about the progress and results of a migration job.
MigrationTrace // Retrieve detailed information about a single user in a current or historical migration job.
MoveUserMessages // Move user messages to a different folder.
PostCompanyBulletin // Send a bulletin to all users in all domains in the domain.
PostDomainBulletin // Create a new domain or change the attributes of an existing domain.
Reindex // Reindexes a user's mail folder(s)
RenameUser // Rename a user
RestoreDeletedContacts // Restore deleted contacts for a user
RestoreDeletedMessages // Recover specific recently deleted messages.
SearchAdmins // Retrieve a list of admins in a company.
SearchBrands // Retrieve a list of brands in a company matching a given criteria
SearchDomains // Retrieve a list of domains in a company.
SearchUsers // Retrieve a list of users in a domain.
SearchWorkgroups // Retrieve a list of workgroups in a domain.
SetRole // Assigns a role to the specified user, removing any previous role. Roles give users administration rights over users, domains, etc.
StatsList // Retrieve a list of available stats periods, for use with stats_snapshot.
StatsSnapshot // Generate a URL that a stats snapshot can be downloaded from. Note URLs are only valid for 15 minutes after generation.