PHP Pinq\Caching 네임스페이스


이름 설명
ICacheAdapter The API for a cache implementation that can persist in memory variables to be accessed later.
INamespacedCacheAdapter Cache interface that prefixes all keys with the specified namespace.
IQueryCache The API for a cache implementation to store the expression trees of parsed functions.


이름 설명
ArrayAccessCacheAdapter Adapter class for a cache that implements \ArrayAccess
CSVFileCache Cache implementation for storing the serialized expression trees in a single file in a csv format, not very good for concurrency
CacheAdapter Base class for cache implementations
CacheProvider Static provider to configure and retrieve the cache implementation
DirectoryCache Cache implementation for storing the serialized expression trees each in their own file in the specified directory
DoctrineCache Adapter class for a doctrine cache component that implements \Doctrine\Common\Cache\Cache
NullCache Null cache implementation. Used if no other cache is supplied.
OneDimensionalCacheAdapter Base class for cache implementation that represent a key value store that only supports one dimensional storage. Hence namespacing is performed via prefixing of keys.
PrefixKeyNamespacedCache Wrapper cache implementation that performs namespacing via prefixed keys.
QueryCache Cache implementation that acts as wrapper and second level cache for the underlying cache implementation.