PHP Prado\I18N\core 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
IMessageSource IMessageSource interface.


이름 설명
ChoiceFormat ChoiceFormat class.
CultureInfo CultureInfo class.
DateFormat DateFormat class.
DateTimeFormatInfo Defines how DateTime values are formatted and displayed, depending on the culture.
HTTPNegotiator HTTPNegotiator class.
MessageCache Cache the translation table into the file system.
MessageFormat MessageFormat class.
MessageSource Abstract MessageSource class.
MessageSource_Database MessageSource_Database class.
MessageSource_MySQL MessageSource_MySQL class.
MessageSource_SQLite MessageSource_SQLite class.
MessageSource_gettext MessageSource_gettext class.
NumberFormat NumberFormat class.
NumberFormatInfo NumberFormatInfo class
TCache_Lite Fast, light and safe Cache Class