PHP Predis\Profile 네임스페이스


이름 설명
ProfileInterface A profile defines all the features and commands supported by certain versions of Redis. Instances of Predis\Client should use a server profile matching the version of Redis being used.


이름 설명
Factory Factory class for creating profile instances from strings.
RedisProfile Base class implementing common functionalities for Redis server profiles.
RedisUnstable Server profile for the current unstable version of Redis.
RedisVersion200 Server profile for Redis 2.0.
RedisVersion220 Server profile for Redis 2.2.
RedisVersion240 Server profile for Redis 2.4.
RedisVersion260 Server profile for Redis 2.6.
RedisVersion280 Server profile for Redis 2.8.
RedisVersion300 Server profile for Redis 3.0.
RedisVersion320 Server profile for Redis 3.0.