PHP Storm\Core\Object 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
ICollectionProperty The collection property represents a property that contains a variable amount of related entities.
ICriterion The criterion represents the data nessecary to specify which entities the criterion applys to.
IDataProperty The data property represents a property which contains data subjective to the parent entity.
IEntityMap The entity map represents the properties of a type of entity.
IEntityProperty The entity property represents a property that contains one or none related entities.
IProcedure The procedure represents a set of assigments that should be carried out upon a variable amount of entities defined by a criterion.
IProperty The base for a type representing a property of an entity.
IRelationshipProperty The base for a type representing a property of an entity containing a relationship with other entities.
IRequest The request represents a range of entities to load specified by the criterion.


이름 설명
DiscardedRelationship This class represents a relationship between two entities which has been discarded.
DiscardenceData This class represents the data of an entity which is to be discarded.
Domain This is the base class representing the domain of the application.
EntityMap {@inheritDoc}
Identity The identity represents the global identity of an entity.
PersistedRelationship This class represents a relationship between two entities which has been persisted.
PersistenceData This class represents the data of an entity which is to be persisted.
PropertyData The base class representing data stored by an entity's properties.
RelationshipChange The class that represents a change in a relationship between entities.
RevivalData This class represents the data of an entity which is to be revived.
UnitOfWork This unit of work contains data for taking actions against entities in a given domain.