PHP Sulu\Bundle\ContactBundle\Entity 네임스페이스


이름 설명
AccountInterface interface for accounts.


이름 설명
AbstractAccount Account.
AccountAddress AccountAddress.
AccountContact AccountContact.
AccountContactRepository AccountContactRepository.
AccountRepository Repository for the Codes, implementing some additional functions for querying objects.
Address Address.
AddressRepository AddressRepository.
AddressType AddressType.
BankAccount BankAccount.
Contact Contact.
ContactAddress ContactAddress.
ContactLocale ContactLocale.
ContactRepository Repository for the contacts, implementing some additional functions for querying objects.
ContactTitle ContactTitle.
Country Country.
Email Email.
EmailType EmailType.
Fax Fax.
FaxType FaxType.
Note Note.
Phone Phone.
PhoneType PhoneType.
Position Position.
Url Url.
UrlType UrlType.