PHP Sulu\Component\Content\Compat 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
LocalizationFinderInterface Find best localization.
PageInterface Structure for template.
PropertyInterface Property definition and value.
StructureInterface Structure for template.
StructureManagerInterface Interface of StructureManager.


이름 설명
DataNormalizer Normalizes the legacy Sulu request data.
ErrorStructure Structure for template.
LocalizationFinder Tries to find localizations in the tree down then up and if nothing is found it returns any localization.
Metadata holds localized metadata.
Property Property of Structure generated from Structure Manager to map a template.
PropertyParameter Represents a parameter of a property.
PropertyTag Tag for property.
Structure The Structure class represenets content structure and is the super type for Page and Snippet classes.
StructureManager generates subclasses of structure to match template definitions.
StructureTag Structure tag class, used to add arbitary information to allow decoupled mapping for other libraries/bundles.
StructureType Type for structures, like ghost or shadow.