이름 |
설명 |
BlameSubscriber |
Manages user blame (log who creator the document and who updated it last). |
ExtensionSubscriber |
FallbackLocalizationSubscriber |
Set a fallback locale for the document if necessary. |
NavigationContextSubscriber |
OrderSubscriber |
Create a property with a value corresponding to the position of the node
relative to its siblings. |
RedirectTypeSubscriber |
ResourceSegmentSubscriber |
RobotSubscriber |
Behavior for route (sulu:path) documents. |
RouteSubscriber |
Behavior for route (sulu:path) documents. |
SecuritySubscriber |
Handles the security information on each node. |
ShadowCopyPropertiesSubscriber |
Copies values for shadow pages. |
ShadowLocaleSubscriber |
StructureRemoveSubscriber |
Remove routes and references associated with content. |
StructureSubscriber |
StructureTypeFilingSubscriber |
Automatically set the parent at a pre-determined location. |
TargetSubscriber |
Document which has another document as a target. |
TitleSubscriber |
WebspaceSubscriber |
WorkflowStageSubscriber |