PHP Sulu\Component\Security\Authorization 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
MaskConverterInterface The interface for mask converters.
SecurityCheckerInterface Interface for checking Sulu specific permissions.


이름 설명
AbstractSecurityChecker Implements an abstraction for the SecurityCheckerInterface, which needs the subclass to implement the hasPermission method. This method will be called for the checkPermission method, which throws an exception, if permission is not granted.
MaskConverter A helper class to convert the mask between the numerical and array representation.
PermissionTypes Enumeration for all available permission types in Sulu.
SecurityChecker Implementation of Sulu specific security checks, includes a subject, the type of permission and the localization.
SecurityCondition The class which describes the necessary permissions to access a certain element.