PHP Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DependencyInjection\Security\Factory 네임스페이스


이름 설명
AbstractFactory AbstractFactory is the base class for all classes inheriting from AbstractAuthenticationListener.
FormLoginFactory FormLoginFactory creates services for form login authentication.
FormLoginLdapFactory FormLoginLdapFactory creates services for form login ldap authentication.
GuardAuthenticationFactory Configures the "guard" authentication provider key under a firewall.
HttpBasicFactory HttpBasicFactory creates services for HTTP basic authentication.
HttpBasicLdapFactory HttpBasicFactory creates services for HTTP basic authentication.
HttpDigestFactory HttpDigestFactory creates services for HTTP digest authentication.
JsonLoginFactory JsonLoginFactory creates services for JSON login authentication.
RemoteUserFactory RemoteUserFactory creates services for REMOTE_USER based authentication.
X509Factory X509Factory creates services for X509 certificate authentication.