PHP Usps 네임스페이스


이름 설명
Address A US postal address
AddressVerify USPS Address Verify Class used to verify an address is valid.
FirstClassServiceStandards Class FirstClassServiceStandards.
InternationalLabel Class InternationalLabel.
OpenDistributeLabel Class OpenDistributeLabel.
PriorityLabel Class PriorityLabel.
PriorityMailServiceStandards Class PriorityMailServiceStandards.
Rate USPS Rate calculator class used to get a rate for shipping methods.
ServiceDeliveryCalculator Class ServiceDeliveryCalculator.
TrackConfirm Class TrackConfirm.
USPSBase USPS Base class used to perform the actual api calls
ZipCodeLookup USPS Zip code lookup by city/state used to find a zip code by city/state lookup.