PHP VersionPress\Storages 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
DirectoryStorage Saves entities to files in a common directory. Useful for entities that either expect a lot of instance of them (posts, comments etc.) or have variable length and some may be rather large (again, e.g. posts).
MetaEntityStorage Stores meta entities like postmeta and usermeta. It means that the meta entities are stored together with their "parent" entities (e.g. postmeta is saved within the post). Meta entity is only key-value record with a reference to the parent entity. The format for saving meta entities is key#vpid = value. This key extended by VPID is called joined key.
Mirror Reflects database changes to storages. It is a facade / entry point to a set of storages {@link VersionPress\Storages\Storage storages} that implement the actual functionality.
MnReferenceStorage Special storage for M:N references. It's only a temporary hack until VP will support composite PKs.
Storage Stores an entity to a file that can be versioned by Git. Storages are chosen by {@link VersionPress\Storages\Mirror}, in a way "implement" its API of saving and deleting entities and in the end manage INI files in the `wp-content/vpdb` folder.