PHP yii\widgets 네임스페이스


이름 설명
ActiveField ActiveField represents a form input field within an [[ActiveForm]].
ActiveForm ActiveForm .
BaseListView BaseListView is a base class for widgets displaying data from data provider such as ListView and GridView.
Breadcrumbs Breadcrumbs displays a list of links indicating the position of the current page in the whole site hierarchy.
DetailView DetailView displays the detail of a single data [[model]].
FragmentCache FragmentCache is used by [[\yii\base\View]] to provide caching of page fragments.
InputWidget InputWidget is the base class for widgets that collect user inputs.
LinkPager LinkPager displays a list of hyperlinks that lead to different pages of target.
LinkSorter LinkSorter renders a list of sort links for the given sort definition.
ListView The ListView widget is used to display data from data provider. Each data model is rendered using the view specified.
MaskedInput MaskedInput generates a masked text input.
Menu Menu displays a multi-level menu using nested HTML lists.
Pjax Pjax is a widget integrating the [pjax]( jQuery plugin.