PHP yii2tech\admin\actions 네임스페이스


이름 설명
Action Action is a base class for administration panel actions.
Callback Callback action allows invocation of specified method of the model.
Create Create action supports creation of the new model using web form.
Delete Delete action performs the deleting of the existing record.
FlushCache FlushCache allows you to flush cache.
Index Index action displays the models listing with search support.
Position Position action switches custom sorting position of the existing record.
Restore Restore actions performs restoration of the "soft" deleted record.
RoleCreate RoleCreate action supports creation of the new model with [yii2tech/ar-role]( behavior applied.
RoleUpdate RoleUpdate action supports updating of the existing model with [yii2tech/ar-role]( behavior applied.
SafeDelete SoftDelete action performs the "safe" deleting of the existing record.
SoftDelete SoftDelete action performs the "soft" deleting of the existing record.
Update Update action supports updating of the existing model using web form.
VariationCreate VariationCreate action supports creation of the new model with [yii2tech/ar-variation]( behavior applied.
VariationUpdate VariationUpdate action supports updating of the existing model with [yii2tech/ar-variation]( behavior applied.


이름 설명
ModelFormTrait ModelFormTrait provides basic functionality for the actions, which handles model input collection from web form.