PHP 트레잇 CommerceGuys\Tax\Resolver\TaxType\StoreRegistrationCheckerTrait

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보호된 프로퍼티들

프로퍼티 타입 설명
$emptyAddresses CommerceGuys\Addressing\Address[] The empty addresses constructed for checking store registrations.

보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
checkStoreRegistration ( CommerceGuys\Zone\Model\ZoneInterface $zone, Context $context ) : boolean Checks whether the store is registered to collect taxes in the given zone.
filterByStoreRegistration ( array $taxTypes, Context $context ) : CommerceGuys\Tax\Model\TaxTypeInterface[] Filters out tax types not matching the store registration.

메소드 상세

checkStoreRegistration() 보호된 메소드

Checks whether the store is registered to collect taxes in the given zone.
protected checkStoreRegistration ( CommerceGuys\Zone\Model\ZoneInterface $zone, Context $context ) : boolean
$zone CommerceGuys\Zone\Model\ZoneInterface The zone.
$context CommerceGuys\Tax\Resolver\Context The context containing store information.
리턴 boolean True if the store is registered to collect taxes in the given zone, false otherwise.

filterByStoreRegistration() 보호된 메소드

Filters out tax types not matching the store registration.
protected filterByStoreRegistration ( array $taxTypes, Context $context ) : CommerceGuys\Tax\Model\TaxTypeInterface[]
$taxTypes array The tax types to filter.
$context CommerceGuys\Tax\Resolver\Context The context containing store information.
리턴 CommerceGuys\Tax\Model\TaxTypeInterface[] An array of additional tax types the store is registered to collect.

프로퍼티 상세

$emptyAddresses 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

The empty addresses constructed for checking store registrations.
protected Address[],CommerceGuys\Addressing $emptyAddresses
리턴 CommerceGuys\Addressing\Address[]