Nelmio\Alice\Definition\Fixture |
Nelmio\Alice\Definition\Flag |
Nelmio\Alice\Definition\MethodCall |
Nelmio\Alice\Definition\Object |
Nelmio\Alice\Definition\ServiceReference |
Nelmio\Alice\Definition\Value |
Name | Description |
FixtureWithFlagsInterface | |
FlagInterface | A flag is used to pass contextual data to the fixture, e.g. to specify that a fixture is a template or extend a peculiar template. |
MethodCallInterface | Represents a function call that will be done on the object described by the fixtures once it has been instantiated and hydrated. |
ServiceReferenceInterface | Value object to point to refer to a service. For example, can be an instantiated service or a reference to a static class. |
ValueInterface | Values encapsulate a row value to add a behaviour to it. For example, to provide the required elements for generating unique values. |
Name | Description |
FakeMethodCall | |
FlagBag | Collection of flags. |
FlagBagTest | |
MethodCallBag | |
MethodCallBagTest | |
Property | Value object representing a fixture property. |
PropertyBag | |
PropertyBagTest | |
PropertyTest | |
RangeName | |
RangeNameTest | |
SpecificationBag | Value object containing all the elements necessary to define how the object described by the fixture must be instantiated, hydrated and initialized. |
SpecificationBagFactory | |
SpecificationBagTest |