PHP Neos\ContentRepository\Migration\Transformations Namespace


Name Description
TransformationInterface Transformation are used to change nodes as needed. They may do anything to a node in the execute() method and will be asked if they can transform a node through a call to isTransformable().


Name Description
AbstractTransformation Abstract transformation class, transformations should inherit from this.
AddDimensions Add dimensions on a node. This adds to the existing dimensions, if you need to overwrite existing dimensions, @see SetDimensions
AddNewProperty Add the new property and its value
ChangeNodeType Change the node type.
ChangePropertyValue Change the value of a given property.
RemoveNode Remove a given node (hard).
RemoveProperty Remove the property
RenameDimension Rename a dimension.
RenameNode Rename a given node.
RenameProperty Rename a given property.
SetDimensions Set dimensions on a node. This always overwrites existing dimensions, if you need to add to existing dimensions, @see AddDimensions
StripTagsOnProperty Strip all tags on a given property